Who might be in the mood for some summery tunes? You in the back? I see you.

Also it’s my birthday month so you have no choice but to listen. Immerse thyself in the flowing breeziness of this carefully crafted mixtape! (I have an accent in my head whilst typing this but I feel like it didn’t come across.)
Nothing super new in this playlist. Just some fun favorites that might make laundry folding that much better. Or if you forgot milk at the store and are zipping out, throw this on! Or if you’re hosting a girls’ night on your back patio, start with this. It’s twelve songs top to bottom. Has a good vibe. Your soul needs it.
ALSO, I need to say this. I think Spotify has changed a setting where you start a playlist, and it goes to whatever song Spotify deems to be next in its queue. So go to the bottom right and hover over “queue” take a look to see if it’s my mixtape. If it’s not, “clear the queue” so you ONLY get my intended playlist. Isn’t that lame? Meh, it’s August, we’re not going to stress this.
Without another word, I give you . . . the “Salt Air and Woven Tote” mix.
Of course while you’re in Spotify, you can click on my name and get aaaaaawl the mixes! Git git, pony.
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