Faaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeed! d! d! ay.

I have a question for you, straight off the heels of finishing This is Where I Leave You. (liked the book, watching and predicting that I’ll LOVE the movie this weekend!)
And let me just say right now that we will be kind to one another and myself in these comments.
Okay here goes.
Let’s say someone close to you has a dying wish, but it’s completely outlandish, like absurdly silly, do you do it? And don’t ask me how to categorize “absurdly silly” because I already have to mow the lawns this morning. But what if it’s something you can’t do, or just don’t WANT to do? They’re not gonna know if you just pass on the whole dying wish thing. What’s the ethical thing to do here? Live it out? Skip it? Do an abbreviated version and hope you don’t get struck by lightening? Like what does one do?
The reason I ask is because in the book this large family had to sit shiva for seven ENTIRE days with one another because it was the father’s “dying wish.”* So they did it. And they hated it but ended up loving it yada yada. You know how this goes. But it got me wondering, Carrie Bradshaw style . . . does a dying wish actually have life?

Can we talk about tracking our children?
Probably an odd way to start this section, but I need some advice in kid tracking. We’re not ready for phones. They are NINE AND A HALF. (<–very important you know that part.) No phones yet, bruh. And I’m also not quite ready to splurge on the little tracking watches like TikToks or used Apple watches that have GPS. Although a few of their friends have them and I could definitely be swayed by Christmas.
But I’m trying to figure out an in-between, because lately they’ve been experiencing with more freedom (which is great! but ugh.) and hopping on their scooters and zippidy zipping all around the neighborhood. It’s very 1985 Goonies and I could not love it more. But also, ugh.
My friend Jenny was telling me about Tile the other day. Do you know about Tile? Or is that more for like, losing your keys or phone or visor? I can’t tell how far the range is. Can I clip one to a belt and track them on an app? Because listen, I am prepared to learn a new app for this.
What do you use? Is there even such a thing as kid trackers or do I need to get out my trench, a fedora and a long range lens? Again, we will be gentle to one another and myself in the comments.

Okay, my birthday is next week and I’m gifting myself a little nail kit. (yes I’m talking about fingernails again) And by nail kit I mean I want one of those cuticle pusher upper thingies! I’ve seen a bunch of cute ones on Amazon, but I have zero clue where to start.
My friend Laura was in town last week and as she was shaping up my nails, she kept glancing up at me with little sighs of sadness. “Oh Bev…”
I need your help with this. Tell me a good shapin’ up kit so that I can head into my 47th with fabulous clapper claws! (a nude polish is also on the docket if you have a good brand. Essie? Olive and June?)
clickidy click.

When you go to the grocery store do you test out the carts before you commit? Like do you roll them back and forth to make sure you’re not getting a janky cart before you put your purse and bags in the top part? Like do you push them this way and that before proceeding? Test this one. Nope, the wheel sticks. Test that one. No, there’s a squeak. Test that one other there. Smooth. We good? Okay, we’re committing.
No? Just me?

Weekend plans?
I’m getting yard work done early this morning so that I can estate sale late morning so that I can be home early to make a plum galette for the blog and a mom party tonight! Oh, I need to charge the mower. Thanks for reminding me. Tomorrow morning I have SEVEN! (said like Julie Andrews) miles to run, a chic birthday lunch with my friend Ashlee, and then a 4th grade pool party for the girls. Sunday – cheeeeelin’. And ordering whatever tracking device and nail kit you recommend. Duh.
From this week:: a summer edition of my favorite things! You guys are all over that blazer, I tell ya. It’s a good one. (Also I have cuffed trousers and loafers on the way today, so you know I’ll be doing another one of these come October, shooooot.)
What’s for dinner tonight?
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