Friday Flotsam


I’m posting this photo just to see how dusty that area is. I should take a cloth to it later on today.


Probably not.

Happy Friday! (<–I never start posts like that) What’s the haps?! (<–neither like that) What’s shakin’, bacon?! (<–neither that)

Get this, I went to the doctor yesterday for a physical. We won’t talk about how long it’s been since I’ve had an actual physical. (I secretly figured IVF back in 2013/2014 was my get-out-of-jail-free card for the rest of time) I’m talking bloodwork, checking all the levels, wooden stick on the tongue (however she didn’t do that but I was ready for it), the little black microscope thingy in the ears that makes you jump because it tickles, height (I’m shrinking), weight (I took my shoes off), tetanus shot, all that.

She did not check for lice but I t h i n k we’re okay. I put the spaces in the word think because I’m afraid I’ll jinx it. I jinxed it last week, I’ll say that. Boy did I jinx it. So I’m never bringing it up again.

Except LISTEN to this – on Wednesday I went to the farmer’s market and I’m not sure what was up with my aura that day but I got so much free stuff! Penzeys gave me free spices. The tomato dude threw in an extra tomato at no cost. A local soap and shampoo stand gave me a FREE JAR of tea tree oil shampoo (because I brought up lice. it’s my new life you see) and he was like, “go forth and renew thyself with this shampoo and tell your friends, bruh.” A free jar! So I’ll tell you now. I’ve not used it yet (I hear lice doesn’t like dirty hair so we’re trying to go a bit without washing) But the company is Green Come True. Have you ever tried them, locals? I’m excited. I think he gave me the jar so fast because I scared him with the word lice.

Anyway, I’m all good. Levels look fantastic and now I can mark off tetanus duty for another decade.

Thanks for being there.


I finished The Husband’s Secret last night and I LOVED IT SO MUCH. What a fantastically perfect book. Three families that are tied somehow but they don’t know how. Oh, it’s juicy and sad and heartbreaking and great. Liane does no wrong. Add this immediately. (Honestly the epilogue is what takes the book to an 11. Do NOT skip that. It makes me think about my own life and allllll the directions it could have gone, based on the tiniest day-to-day decisions. What a doozy. Obsessed.)

So here’s what’s next! (through like, September I bet. we’ll see.) I started Happy Place last night (I asked Stories and it was a tie between Happy Place and Mad Honey), so I’ll start with those! Let me know what you loved out of this stack. Nothing makes me giddier than a stack of spines like this.

Trying to decide if we’re starting a band called Stack of Spines or if I should never say those words again.

I’m playing with a watermelon and cantelope salad this weekend. Should black pepper go on it? Honey or olive oil? I’ll fiddle with it (my mom says fiddle with) and slap it on the blog soon.

You can’t miss this reel! It’s one of those videos that I made that when I watch it I’m like, “Ahhh I want that back yard! I want to be at the party! I need all those cute things!” And oh, it is mine. I was there. Those are my little things. Those are my beautiful friends. It gives me a LOT of joy to share these magical moments with you all, so here’s the reel. It’s with Bread and Butter Wines and this time we’re having their Sauvignon Blanc with a homemade lemon butter. It’s ridiculously simple. And the wine is just great. So light and crisp. Exquisite for a summer backyard garden hang. Make this moment happen!

(also remember when I found that bucket at an estate sale back in April and I VOWED to have a party and use it as a champagne bucket? Boooom.)

Father’s Day weekend plans?

I’m letting Aaron craft the weekend, which means it could go in any weird direction. A swim at a lake? (gross) A bike ride to pick berries? (more into that) A brewery for his NAs and me a wine? (way way into that.) We’ll see. I also have yard and garden maintenance, and Happy Place to devour.

From this week!! Some half marathon training chatter. And that’s really it! Besides a magical garden hang, and a simple cheeseboard reel with Crystal Farms Cheese. THAT is something you also need to check out.

Okay father’s day dinner – give me all the ideas.

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6 Responses to Friday Flotsam

  1. Rebekah S June 16, 2023 at 7:23 am #
    The tee tree oil WORKS. You can put a few drops of the oil in any shampoo and it will be effective. #teachersurvivaltricks
  2. Nancy June 16, 2023 at 9:30 am #
    YES to the epilogue of The Husbands Secret! Honey sounds better than EVOO on your melon salad. At least to me. Maybe it would improve the taste of the cantaloupe. Ha! I love watermelon but cantaloupe, not so much. So yea, go ahead and add the pepper too :)
  3. Ellen June 16, 2023 at 10:55 am #
    Nat and Will have been doing some growing! Look at those long legs!
  4. pepi June 16, 2023 at 11:31 am #
    You’ve given me buckets of delicious moments, so perhaps I can send one your way. Summery bliss: watermelon, mint, black pepper, feta, and a squeeze of lemony sunshine.
  5. Nicole June 16, 2023 at 12:17 pm #
    I loved Mad Honey! Try Red Clay peach hot honey. You can get it on amazon. Also, add some fresh mint and the zest and juice of a lime.
  6. Jess June 16, 2023 at 1:37 pm #
    I just finished Beach Read and was obsessed! Want to read Emily Henry's other books but feel like I need to put some space in between because I'm too attached to January & Gus right now. Your wine party looked so perfect! I need to make that lemon butter with some white wine ASAP.

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