
I’m so worried about Taylor Swift.
AH KNOW you’re all sick to dayeth of me talking about this, but I cannot help it. 50 bajillion shows this year, all over three hours each? Are you kidding? I mean yes, she’s a force to behold, a machine, a mastermind, but. Wow. That’s gonna do a number on her.
I’m just like pleasedonotgetsickonJuly7thpleaaaaasepleaseplease.
It’s a good thing she has a big portion of each week to rest and recharge because I CANNOT rightly imagine the toll this is going to take on her. Also yes I sound 86 years old.
You’re worried too, right?
Just me?
But the friendship bracelets! Are you and your kids making any to trade at the concert? Aaron thinks I should jack up the lyrics on mine and say like, “It’s me. Hi, I’m the Karma it’s me.” Which I think is hysterical. And I just might do it.
We’re having a big park playdate with a million little girls and moms to make the bracelets early summer in prep for the show.
What would your bracelet(s) say??
I have a good list going in my head but they’re all cussing lyrics and my mom reads this blog, so.
I’m so worried about her.

I have bad news.
BAD news bears.
Okay, the mascara that I’ve been loving to death and linking to you guys since last spring CHANGED THE FORMULA. This last tube I bought is completely different than the tubes before. And I compared the packaging and it’s the exact same. What in the wonk is happening? Have you noticed this? I can’t tell if it’s waterproof or something, because I just click “buy again” in my order history and don’t think about it.
But I swear it changed. It’s clumpy and thick in places and loses its wow factor after about thirty minutes and I hate it. Please tell me if you’re experiencing the same ish.
Which leads me to: I guess I need a new mascara. Ugh. I don’t want to spend three thousand dollars, but I’d like something worth it. What are you loving lately? What’s getting you that good drama in the eye department?
Spill it!

Speaking of, one of my most cherished morning rituals is putting in eye drops, and while my head is tilted back hoping that the cooling medicine doesn’t drip out of the sides of my eye holes, searching blindly around the counter for the eye drop lid.
Because you need something to do while you blink the medicine all around your eyeballs! Grab the lid. Wait, that’s not it. Where is that lid? Where did it go IT WAS RIGHT THERE. Change hands, that’ll work. Maybe it’s to the left? Nope. Not there. That’s the mascara THAT YOU HATE.
I feel very rested today, thank you!
Where is that lid?

It’s time to take down the dried orange garland, isn’t it?

Weekend plans?
I have a fun work shoot tonight (that you’ll see soon!) and Moms’ Night immediately following. We’ll find a taco, a TV, a glass of wine, watch some basketball and discuss Taylor Swift concert outfits. (which let’s be honest: t-shirt, shorts and sneaks because hi, 46 year old. in JULY.) Besides a soccer game, I’m reaaaaaally hoping to make some garden bed clean-out progress. The rain and temps have halted my entire plan, but it is March. I know. I need to simmer down.
From this week!::: My Trip To Israel – Part Two! And Rosemary Chicken Salad with Homemade Focaccia that a local restaurant is going to recreate because they love it so much, so you best get on that!
I’m headed to an estate sale this morning to start the Grand Patio Style Brainstorm. I’ll show you what I find!
What’s for dinner?
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