Frrrrrrrrrrrrreh deh fleh seh!

Today is 100% pop culture talk so pa-ho-ney erp. (<–that’s pony up, mom.)
Let’s start with Harry Styles’ new album. You’re either reaching for the x button or your ears have perked up and grown sparkle wings.
Yes, girl. Come hither.
Now, let me just say, I was never a One Direction fan. Didn’t give a single ish. Boy bands (besides NKOTB, duh <Jonathan forever>) have never done a lick for my soul. But I gotta say, Styles’ new album is a total pop treat. So much so that my friend Sarah and I have been video messaging all week long “Okay what’s grabbing you today?” ” This one is growing on me.” “I’m starting to obsess over this one and it’s verging on problematic.” “OKAY WHOA THIS IS SO GOOD I CANNOT SLOW DOWN.” We’re spiraling and it’s wonderful.
Besides the fact that Harry’s locks are more successful than the stock market, and his bare chest is worthy of Shania Twain’s once over (right?), the album is pretty fantastic.
Now, I will confess that the very first song (Music for a Sushi Restaurant) reminds me of the christian group Prism from the ’80s and I just cannot. (sorry, mom.) Something about the vocal BA BAAAAs and the scatty DOBEBEBEEBEEDOOOs that are so confusing for me. But Grapejuice and Daylight can live in my head forever.
Where do you land? Are you into Harry’s House yet? And what are your faves? (not favs)
Spill it.

Tell me, are you watching the fourth season?
See, this is my beef. The first season was magical. Pure syrupy ’80s nostalgia and I loved every single moment of it. Winona (forever, ha), and the kids were perfection. The setting, the clothing, the music, the dialogue, the coziness, the spookiness. No better way to start a series.
And then season two was . . . good. Right? It was good. Season three was weird. But listen, I think all things sci-fi are hokey and a bit forced. So I’m probably the wrong demographic for this show, but in the beginning I was like, “LOOK, I WILL WATCH A SCI-FI MONSTER FOR WINONA. And only for Winona.”
But come on, it’s gotten so cheesy. Now, I will admit, I have yet to even start the fourth season, because I need to know if it’s worth it. I hear it’s darker than previous seasons, which I’m totally fine with, only if it’s not silly. Like, are the monsters so over the top that it takes away from the early-season coolness of the show? Will I be rolling my eyes the entire time wishing for Billy and Barbara (remember Barb?!) to return from the dead? Has it lost its spookiness and gone straight corny?
Give it to me straight. Watch the fourth season or remember the past ones in cozy fondness?
(yes I’m listening to Kate Bush, I’m not an idiot.)
Spill it.

The kids have been begging to watch Jaws lately. BEGGING.
So, we did it. The original, of course. 1975. A classic!
And they loved it. Like, absolutely loved it. I can’t tell if this makes us the worst parents ever or the coolest. Jaws at eight years old? I’m going with cool. No nightmares since, and only requests to watch the sequels. Yay?
But this is my thing: it’s PG-13. And some PG-13s are WILDLY different than other PG-13s. A PG-13 in the ’80s is veeeeeera different than a PG-13 now. Aren’t those movies meant for 13 and up? Okay, yikes.
TELL ME, are you overly concerned about movie ratings, or do you just cough loudly over curse words and shield eyes during smooches or what? How do you do it? Or do you avoid it all together? Or do you simply not overthink it? (mom, ignore this whole section) Or do you only show your kids what you think they can handle? Because the entire time Jaws was snarfing down Quint like cheese on crackers, Nat was like, “It’s all fake, mom. He’s in a robot. That blood is not real.” Like it was totally fine. Totally fine!
. . . Is that bad?
Spill it.
(I’m not going to show them Stranger Things s4, chill out.)

On a scale from “Eh, I’ll wait ’til I can rent it” to “CAMPING OUT THE NIGHT BEFORE, BISH” – just how excited are you for Where The Crawdads Sing?
(Swift has a new song in it! I might be more excited for that.)

Weekend plans?
IT IS SO HOT. Which happens in the summer, I realize, but there’s no end in sight for these mid-to-upper 90-degree temps. Brutal. So the pool is happening twice and an air-conditioned movie matinee once. I’m not going to tell you the movie because I was in the cool category and I’m afraid I’ll teeter back to bad but I will say it rhymes with Schmurassic Zorld. Don’t come @ me.
From this week, in case you missed it! A Classic Potato Salad that you simply must get in your face immediately. And a Sour Cream and Roasted Onion Dip that will have you falling apart. Really. Here’s a video on how I made it!
I’m craving takeout tonight – what should we get?!
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