
I have a sourdough starter!
My friend Anna gave me a sourdough starter. And now I get WHAT the heck it is. It’s a bubble sludge. A pre-dough bubble sludge. Not quite dough, not quite loogie. Somewhere in between. And today I have to “feed” it, you guys. I think I might just give it a bite of my corn dog, I dunno.
JK, I need to read up on it this morning. She sent me links on how to “feed” it, but honestly, I think I got rid of the highchair and bibs long ago. I might have a baby spoon still in a drawer somewhere.
I’m actually not sure how often or how much I’ll need to feed and burp and change it. How long do the feedings last before we’re ready to slide it onto a French cloche and send it off to preschool for baking?
I’m totally okay, why do you ask?
I’ll read up on it. Never mind.

Okay, we all know the rule of not going to the grocery store hungry. Worst decision ever. Aren’t you likely to spend like 386% more when you’re hungry than full? Something like that. Don’t quote me on it.
But! Let’s talk about what your impulse buys are. At the store, if you’re noshy, (or shoot, maybe not!) what do you end up throwing in your cart simply because something enticed your eyeballs on the shelf and there was nothing, absolutely nothing you could do to stop your hands from reaching, grabbing and tossing. What is that thing for you? Sweet? Salty? Extra chicken stock?
This last round mine was French Onion Sun Chips. The green bag, something about it. The swirly font, it just got me. I always like a good Sun Chip. And a Triscuit. Best cracker on earth, we will not negotiate this.
If I’m at Trader Joe’s though, all bets are off. That place is DESIGNED for impulse buys. I think actually that Trader translates to “Dance, Puppets, Dance” and Joe’s translates to “Consumer Whore.” The attractive boxes, the alluring illustrations, it’s complete eye candy and I surrender all because what other option is there?
Tell me your impulse buys.

Okay, real quick, an update on the conditioners and the CHIN STRAP, baaahahah!
Yesterday in Stories I posted about these chin straps that I’ve recently gotten into. (I even gifted my bestie with them and she loves them! I think.) Do NOT look at the before and after photos on Amazon (or maybe do) because they are hysterical and complete horse sh. The straps DO NOT do that. Obviously. It’s a subtle thing. Cooling, supportive, firm, sort of a like a hug for the jowls. I wear it after a night of wine. And I wear it for over an hour. AND I use a face roller on top of it to activate (gross) the lymphatic (omg) drainage (so, so sorry). I dig them! Laugh all you want. Aaron sure does.
Hair conditioners: I’ve been using this argan mask in the shower (so soft!) and then this leave-in once the hair is towel dried and MAN, what a difference. It’s not a combo that was suggested to me or anything. I just did it on my own and really like the result. So, take it or leave it. I’m breezy!

Be honest, did you know what Rupee was before this week?

Weekend plans?
I’m watching the hourly forecast for tomorrow and Sunday and so far it’s looking like our garden bed building dreams may be shot to hell. OH WELL I guess I’ll have to lie on the sofa the entire weekend reading. Boo hoo.
From this week, in case you missed it::: Your March Mixtape! A transitional, emotional playlist for your soul as we tiptoe into spring. Ya gotta listen. Ya just gotta. And then Snack Time Sushi! A super fun and eaaasy way to whip up some sushi on the spot. Nothing intimidating, I promise. Make some this weekend.
What are you eating for dinner tonight?
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