Despite the name of the mix and the photo below, this is actually a pretty cheerful playlist! It’s what we need.

Look at that. Look at the peachy purple-y pinky sky. Marvelous, isn’t it? Sunrises like this aren’t often, so I desperately needed to show you.
So, this mix! It’s seriously a good one. I know I say “mood boosting” a lot, but that’s my business you see. I favor the sparkling, glowing, positive slices of life, and in music it needs to do something to my SOUL, ya know? However, would you believe there’s not one lick of jazz in this? I know. Who am I? It’s mostly indie, pop, oldies, a smidge of college radio with a moody piano ending. Told you it was good. And toward the end there’s going to be a moment (spoiler alert: R.E.M.) that makes you go, “Ohhhhhhh I looooooove this song!” That’s also my business. I have a PHD in nostalgia. Step into my office.
Truly, enjoy this mixtape anytime. During a deep clean after the madness of holidays. Driving around in the car knocking off your to-do list. Preparing a fun dinner not because you’re hosting but because it gives you intense joy. You’ll bob your head, dance around, put your hand on your heart, throw your head back. But in reverse.
Without another moment, I give you . . . The “Frosty Toes and Gloomy Glows” Mix.
Hit that “Monthly Mixtape” tab over to the left for all my mixes! I have like, years of them. All different styles. Pony up.
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