Happy November! Out of your candy coma just yet?

This mixtape, the vibe of it has nothing really to do with the title. And to be fully transparent, I hadn’t planned on even sharing this playlist with you all. I started it sort of recently when I was craving a specific sound. THIS sound. Mostly ’90s, but with a lost nostalgia that will still you for a moment and then maybe cause you to dance a little. But just a little. I needed a serious mood boost, man, and this did it.
And then I realized as I got more detailed with it and kept adding and adding songs to it, “Okay I should just share this. Post it. Get it out there. They’ll love it! It’s exactly what they need this November.” I said it all just like that in my brain but also out loud to no one.
And yes, it has songs from previous mixtapes on it. That’s the main reason why I steered away from sharing it. But truthfully, it’s getting hard to remember what I have and what I haven’t already posted! I’m still a good person.
This is a memory-loaded playlist. (besides Musgraves, because it’s so new, but you might already have memories attached to it like I do! Heck, I don’t know!)
I also put Nightlight Sessions (remember?!) on there because I realized I had yet to put it on an official mix! There are way too many exclamation points in this post. I’ll never be sorry.
Without holding you hostage for another moment, I give you – The “Amber Rain and Crisp Champagne” Mix! I mean mix.
This mixtape right here is another FAVORITE one, which was posted years ago in November. It’s perfect. Listen to both!
Started your Christmas shopping yet?
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