Of COURSE it’s Paul Rudd.
Why on earth would it not be Paul Rudd? It’s always been Paul Rudd.
I know everyone’s laughing, everyone’s scratching their heads, everyone’s (even him which makes it that much better) confused and like whaaa? But I knew it all along. I’ve known it since CLUELESS, you guys. Well, he wasn’t that sexy in Clueless, but he was cuddly and kind. With office hair, yes. But still.
And then in Romeo and Juliet when he turns around at the base of the steps during that huge masked ball and gives that enormo goofy grin back to Claire Danes? SOLD. I know we all had eyes on Leo (rightfully so, nothing more delicious than ’90s Leo), but it’s Rudd for me.
And then in Wet Hot American Summer when he played stud waffle shaggy-haired “lifeguard” Andy? GOOD FA-RICKIN’ GRIEF. Supreme. The tantrum scene in the cafeteria when he throws his tray down on the floor and Janeane Garafalo is all, “Andy? You gonna clean that up? Andy? Clean it up, then come to my office.” And the way he morphs into a rubber chicken toddler and huffily picks up the tray, plate and fork and it takes like five entire minutes omg. And then puts his sunglasses on and puffs his shoulders at her like he’s just solved a mystery and finished a marathon. Hilarious. I’ll never stop laughing.
And then in They Came Together whe- well, I’ll just let you watch. Paul Rudd is everything. People got it so, so right.
Do you agree? Or do you think it’s laughable? TREAD. LIGHTLY.

Speaking oooooooof:
Where does your heart lie? LEO AND CLAIRE or LEO AND KATE?
This is such a tough one. It will require extreme concentration on your part. Think about both options very intensely before you answer. And while you think there might be an obvious answer, it’s actually quite tricky.
The elevator scene. The fish tank. Her wings. His armor. HIS HAIR. The circling camera while Shakespeare’s words circled in on their first kiss.
Then we have the foggy car window hand. Her dresses. HIS HAIR. The, “draw me like one of your French girls.” And basically the whole everything.
How can you choose? CAN you choose?
You have to choose. Which is it?

I feel like another poll.
You know what that sentence made me think of? In the Princess Bride when Mel Smith says to Wesley in that ragged, demon voice, “DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT TRYING TO ESC- HACK COUGH HACK – don’t even think about trying to escape.”
Never mind.
How do you take your coffee?
And I mean like – dark roast, medium roast, all that. And then like – white sugar, brown sugar, turbinado sugar, honey, agave nectar, or black? And then like – 2%, half and half, cream, whole? And then like – frothed or flat?
Wait, and some people add butter to their coffee, right? Am I making this up? BUTTER. What’s it called, Bullet Proof? Good heavens.
I feel like you know a lot about a person with the way they take their coffee.
Me? Dark roast + turbinado sugar + frothed 2% + sprinkle of cinnamon. Err day.
I bet Paul Rudd would approve.

Okay, Taylor’s Red.
Have you listened? Is it good? Would I like it? THIRTY SONGS is a commitment, but I guess that’s like Folklore and Evermore put together. But, a different vibe? Tell you what, you go listen and report back on what songs I’d be into, okay?
Never mind, I’ll just listen.
Okay I’m liking the Phoebe Bridgers collab. Into this.
So glad we had this talk.

Weekend plans?
Natta dern thing on this end! Besides an IKEA run later this morning. And some ham and havarti rolls to shoot on Sunday. I REALLY need to clean my pantry.
From this week, in case you missed it!::: French Onion Skillet Sandwiches. Guys, the reports are in and it’s winning your mouths. Happy to hear it. And the HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE! Did you see this yesterday? Tons (but not too many) links for you to stash away or jump on now. Just some ideas if you’re running dry this year. The ant farm is already popular with a bunch of you and that makes me laugh hysterically and rethink humanity. We’ll be okay.
Okay, what’s on your dinner menu tonight?
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