FRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR i d a y y y y y z z z z u u h h !

Have you ever noticed book carryovers?
Because it happens to me ALL THE TIME. All.the.time. Like for instance, I’ll finish a book, then start a book, and there’s some bizarre commonality to them. A name (which is weirdly the most common), a university, a town, a favorite drink – something. There’s always a tie between the two books. And not on purpose, which is what makes it even more strange.
I find myself sitting on the couch or in bed saying to no one, “Weird, the guy in my last book was named Jack!” or, “How funny, my last book took place on the Cape, too!” or “Odd, everyone is throwing back the Veuve Clicquot like they’re getting paid to do it!” (<–most likely an Elin book)
Does this happen to you, too? And more important, do you announce it to your entire family like you’ve just announced a raise at work? Same, same.
ALSO, I’m right at the halfway point in The Paper Palace. Wh . . . whoa. Okay, obsessed with it but BRO IT IS INTENSE. (sorry I called you bro.)

Okay, has anyone ever noticed in the original Mary Poppins when Mary comes psycho gliding down to earth as she witchcrafty blows all the nannies away that were in line for her job – how no one even makes a peep?
No squeals, no gasps, no looks of panic as they are literally upside down and IN THE AIR blowing away into the sky abyss. Not one single, “HOLY SH&@#$@$ WHAT IS HAPPENING.” Not a sound!
And the kids watch all this from the window as if it’s something they see every day. Sure, their jaws are slightly agape as they watch a slew of nannies being blown away with zero utterances. And then as Jane glances up and sees Poppins making her way VIA UMBRELLA to the earth, all we get is a point and a little, “Look, Michael!”
UH, I’m sorry, how about BOARD THE WINDOWS, MICHAEL. CALL FOR HELP, MICHAEL. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE, MICHAEL. A duck-footed nanny witch is staring at me with a demon umbrella and we are DOOMED, MICHAEL.
Such a great movie.

You can still smell Herbal Essence shampoo, can’t you?
Like, close your eyes. Go back to 8th grade. Imagine the mustard yellow floral bottle with the green top in the shower. Pop the lid. Sniff. Theeeere it is.
What was your favorite scent? I remember my friend Heather Cox had a scent that we didn’t have, and the summer between my 11th and 12th grade year, I spent almost every single day at her house swimming. But only so that I could take a shower in her bathroom and use her Herbal Essence. It was citrusy. But creamy sort of. VERY floral. It was absolute heaven and cared about nothing else in the entire world.
Oh, remember the commercials??? Hey-OH.
Were you more into the cucumber green tea earthy scent? Or more obsessed with the rosier tones? What about the grapefruit one? UGH, I might need to get back into Herbal Essence. My parents still have it in their guest bathroom, hahahah! I love it.

Anyone else here put a whole lot of mental power into using an apple corer?
Like, I have to wrap my head around an apple corer before I go in. You have to get your body weight angled just right before you lean in and up and then over it to push down, otherwise the entire apple is wonkily ruined. And no one is happy about uneven apple slices. No one.
I get stressed about it. Legit stressed when the kids ask for apple slices. Sure, okay, let me just do some yoga first so that I can center my psyche, gather super human strength in my hands and wrists, and clean the counter because it takes me thirty three feet of kitchen space for my elbow expansion and the great torso launch. Frankly it’s an obnoxious physical endeavor and I’m just never quite ready for it, okay?

Weekend plans?
Besides priming all the Herbal Essence vintage scents?
We got nadda! The kids are home today for “teacher workday” so we’ll just hang and rest a bit. Maybe go grab more carving pumpkins and spring bulbs to get in the ground. (the bulbs, not the pumpkins) Mow a few leaves and start a grocery list. Put my patio pillows back in their places now that the rain is behind us. Clean the car after the drive-in last night. Pick up some milk and eggs later. I’m a wonderful story teller, I know.
From this week, in case you missed it! Chicken, Kale and Pinto Bean Soup! Impossibly simple and exactly what you need for your faces and mouths. And then these fun Sage and Lemon Ricotta Puff Pastries. SO good and nibble-tastic. Make these happen soon.
Okaaaaay tell me what scary movie you’re watching tonight. For us it’s The Hunt. Seen it? I’m already nervous.
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