(I feel like a good poll this morning.)
After yesterday’s mixtape title, it got me thinking, Carrie Bradshaw style, are we really that into baths, though?
Honestly, I’m not that into baths. I’m into the idea of baths, and if and when we ever remodel our home you better believe I’ll still put in a claw foot tub in our back bathroom. I mainly want the bathtub so that I can pester Aaron to make me one of those cool wooden planks that go across the top with a candle, a scrubby, a waffle rag on it and the likes.
But I’m more of a shower girl. I need piping hot water to scald me for a good ten minutes, turning me lobster giddy.
So here’s the poll:
ARE YOU A SHOWER PERSON OR A BATH PERSON? and do you have one of those cool wooden plank thingies. and show me a picture.

I finished Home Before Dark last night hoooooooly ghosts (ha) that was a blast. It’s very HOUSE HAUNTED HILL ON THE HILL THAT’S HAUNTED. Remember that Netflix show with the crooked neck lady? It’s similar. Super spooky, giant house, huge chandelier, some random tapping, an ARMOIRE I mean you get it. It’s a classic ghost story, but with all these historical twists that will have you like, “okay wait, was it this murderer? or that murderer? wait was she the murderer? did the dog do it?” It’s fun. I highly recommend.
This could have been saved for a book club blog post but I’m way too impatient for that and you should obviously read it this month.
Oh actually! Tell me what spooky books you’re reading right now. Or this month. Or this fall. Or anytime. I’m starting The Lying Game tonight, with The Shining right after. I blew through my spook reads way too quickly, so I might need to pile on a few more. Give me some good ones.

I feel like another poll.
When you open the sleeve of a new loaf of sliced bread, do you honestly use the provided twist tie to tie it back, or do you just twist the sleeve and tuck it under the bread? I mean really.
I’ll give you one guess as to what my camp is.

Okay one more poll. (I’m asking so much of you today, ah know!)
Who here is slightly excited for the first snowstorm? And also who wants a lot of snow this year? And when are you carving pumpkins? And when are you putting up your Christmas tree? I think that’s all.

Weekend plans?
I’m making that coffee steak chili again tomorrow (and the apple sangria) for a couple of bubble friends for a backyard chili off! I use an exclamation point there because I feel like you have to have one after the words chili and off. They’re bringing one. We’re having one. I’m even moving our old chiminea to the middle of the yard with blankets on the ground for a cozy crackle in the background.
Other than that, reading, running, resting. You know my steez.
From this week, in case you missed it! Banana Pumpkin Pancakes. It’s October, just love it. And a new mixtape! Don’t ignore this one, cheelahs. It’s gooooood.
Okay tell me what haunted movie you’re watching tonight.
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