
Well, it’s just impossible for me to sit here at my laptop on this eerie Friday morning and pretend to churn out goofy stories about ankle socks or nose hair clippers when the whole world is being flipped upside down like it is. It just feels fake and inappropriate today.
I’ve been purposely trying not to talk about this virus on here for the longest time. Not to fall into the sensationalism of it all. But I feel like it’s honestly past that at this point. The thing is, I’m trying to stay chill. (not really in my nature) I’m trying to ignore the frenzy and the panic and all the terrifying Facebook explosive posts and only pay attention to the HAPPY CHARTS, like what Kristen Bell posted. That I can handle.
I’m just trying to find my place in it all, you know? As we all are. How little to panic. How much to take seriously. Because it is serious. (hi, the kids brought home homework for two weeks yesterday in preparation for the school closing possibility) But people be losing their minds and that’s what’s going to hurt the most. I don’t fear the virus. I fear the FEAR of the virus. Wait, who said something like that? Kennedy? Roseanne Barr? I can’t remember.
But everything is changing so rapidly. Lives and livelihoods are coming to a screeching halt with every hour that passes. Those big glossy plans we all had for 2020? Well, we might need to put them on hold for a bit. I know my job here is to be funny, lighthearted, full of jokes and maybe give you a good recipe or something beautiful to listen to or read, too. But I just can’t today.
But! This is what I am going to do. (besides stay home and live in a bathtub of bleach) First of all, we’re all in this together. The whole entire world. (isn’t that a wild but comforting thought?!) There’s a responsibility not to ignore of course, but we all have to relax and not buy 45 things of toilet paper. (Aaron did buy a giant bag of rice, so there’s that.) I’ll still churn out recipes for you twice a week. I’ll be here. I’ve got a ton of slow cooker pantry-staple-style meals on the blog if you need them. We’re gonna make it through this. One day (at home) at a time. (plus now you have no excuse not to read with me! ha! oh.)
It’s so hard to be my normal chipper dipper self with everything crumbling, but I’ll get there. I’ll get back. We’ll all get back! THIS TOO SHALL PASS. My mom always says that. And maybe Roseanne Barr, too? I can’t remember.
How are you feeling these days? I’d love to know all the ways, tips and tricks that you’re using to navigate these unsettling times. (like how on earth does one HOMESCHOOL? Is wine acceptable at lunch?)
And I’m sorry this post is such a cliché downer. I’m granted one per year, isn’t that the blog rule?
It’s all going to be okay. Darker days may be ahead, but just remember, the light is right behind it. (and maybe another bottle of wine, idk.)
xx -b
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