So we need to talk. Real talk. Life talk. Serious stuff. Woman to woman. Er, fingertips to eyeballs.
Can we talk about neck masks?
Now before you roll your eyes all, “BEV YOU MUST ACCEPT THE WHOLE TIME CONTINUUM THING” – no. I mean yes. Yes it’s there. Yes I (sort of) accept it. But I do feel like there’s wiggle room. A little space to play. A bit of an in-your-40s-playground! Is this making sense? No? Okay.
Tell me your favorite neck masks. Because in less than three weeks we’re filming season three of a show that rhymes with Slom Mins and I need neck masks. Or else I can’t watch the show. I know they don’t fix everything, but is there a certain brand that you swear by? I remember wearing one on set of Pressure Point last fall, and it was INTAAAAYANSE. But I can’t remember the brand. Maybe I’ll text my hair and makeup girl and get back to you.
Talk to me. Let’s neck! Wait that came out wrong.

AND okay. While we’re on the subject: do those Crest strip thingies reeeeeally work? Or is it all hog wash? What’s the BEST thing you’ve used on your toofies (sorry) that gets ’em pearly white, without having to drink the bleach in your basement.
And I don’t need to look like Ross Geller. (although how much fun would that be?) I just need a soft white with a pinch of warmth, zero florescent and a natural pearl-like essence similar to when Ariel from the Little Mermaid becomes a human and gets her voice back. Just like that. But I’m not overthinking it or anything.
Okay and what about the best eye drops???? Just kidding.
I think.

I’m realizing this post is basically me asking you all the things, as I lead into this next pathetic section.
Okay, car booster seats. Or is it booster seats. Booster car seats. I know we have one last round of seats for the gremlins. And I know the best thing FOR them is to keep them in these regular car seats until they’re 35 years old. But ish is getting cramped, man!
When did you transition? It’s mostly based on height and weight, is that right? I also know lots of people say it’s when they hit kindergarten, which is like, in 20 minutes for us.
My MAIN question (besides the neck masks and teeth whitening and eye drops – WHAT. Apparently I really need you guys today.) – what brand of boosters are good? I haven’t even googled this at all, seriously. I was putting it off until after Oregon, but then I figured I’d go ahead and ask, just to get the seed planted and rooted in my noggin. On top of that it gave me the chance to type the word noggin.
You know me – I need simple and stylish. And eye drops. Like I can’t stop thinking about eye drops all of a sudden.

Okay I’m doing my window boxes this weekend and I need your color opinion. I’ve got purple hearts going in, and I’m thinking of a basic greenery on either side (like a cascading ivy) and then alyssum all mixed in! So like, deep purple, green and white. I like that. Subtle and delicate, but strong, like a woman arm wrestler.
Maybe I didn’t need you after all! Except for the neck masks, teeth whitening, eye drops and booster seats thing. It’s fine.

Weekend plans?
It’s GETTING NICE TOMORROW! Today is upper 50s and cloudy, but dude. Tomorrow and Sunday: bright and sunny with temps in the low 70s. I could cry thinking about it.
Oh – last night I finished The Wife Between Us, so I’ll be on Stories later today with a recap (and on here later this month!). Today I’m starting Daisy Jones and the Six – based on your heavy recommends. Super excited. Maybe I’ll squirt in some new fancy eye drops right before reading!
Yes I’m still on the eye drops thing.
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