f R I D A y.
I almost skipped Flotsam this week.
My alarm went off this morning at booty:30 and I was like, really? Do I have to? I think I’ll stay in bed. I don’t really have anything to say. They wouldn’t even notice! But unfortunately my boss is a major b so here I sit.
Warning: this is my own personal WAH fest, so just ignore me.
But, okay. I feel like blogging has changed SO much in the five years I’ve been doing it. Back in the day when Pinterest wasn’t a thing, and Facebook was still mainly for those overzealous moms posting five million photos of their kids a day. I’m so glad I’m not one of them! …wait.
But like, everyone was all.over. blogs back then. The community was tight and churning. But these days, I just feel like readers are so YAWWWN with blogs. Or at least mine. Which is totally okay! I guess.
I mainly miss the dialogue. I yearn for the time when the blogger/reader relationship was deeper than a quick pin, a facebook like, and you’re done. Frankly, I love reading your comments. I love reading YOU.
So tell me, are blogs starting to fade? Has the industry begun its imminent fade, or am I just a clueless troll?
I was at a blog conference happy hour thingy last night and I was talking to my friend, one of the VERY first bloggers I started following way back in the day, and we actually talked (read: complained and boo hoo’d like whoa) about this. And we both agree that the platform has shifted so, so much that it’s hard to stay motivated to even do it!
It’s like, I should walk away from conferences and happy hours super inspired and pumped to make this space THEEE BEST it can be. Post more! Add more recipes! No wait, add more family stories! No wait, less toddler and more enchilada! The whole enchilada! (just kidding, I’m not even sure what that entirely means)
But . . . ugh. I can’t. I can’t figure out the magic formula for successful blogging. And even further, do we really even care? I mean I do! I love you all. But honestly, sometimes it’s like, “Beuller? . . . Beuller? . . . Beuller?”
Again, this is my internal pout gala. Please just look away.
(just real quick, this ^^^ is actually a different photo than the flowers I posted a couple of weeks ago. different colors. i’m not losing my mind. thank you. goodbye forever.)
Some bloggers tout, “You should live more to have something to blog about!” And others say, “You should blog more so you have more life to live!” And I’m just like, “What? I need coffee. And to get my roots done.”
I miss the days when blogging wasn’t such a competition. When it didn’t feel like such a lame-o-tron high school popularity contest. Because when it gets political and mind game-y I’m like peaaaaace out. I want to remember WHY I blog. I love it. And I love my readers. You. THAT is why I blob. I mean blog.
It’s weird that I just typed blob, because usually, when I make it a typo I’m typing the word BLOG instead of whatever word I’m trying to type. Hahahaha! Never mind.
Sometimes I think about taking all the ads off and blogging straight for the love. Wouldn’t that be so amazing? My page would load so much faster! Too bad I have two little bottomless pit toddler faces to feed. Gah, KIDS.
I basically don’t know what my point is, but I think I feel burned out with it all right now. A little spent. And it’s like, I don’t want to take a break from it, because I’d miss it (and you!) so much. My love for blogging hasn’t changed, but I feel like it’s become such a saturated industry that I’m starting to drown in the mix. And I don’t have the energy or frankly, the know-how to get BACK.UP.THERE.AND.HI.I’M.STILL.HERE.LOOK.AT.THIS.TACO.I.MADE.
Know what I mean, Vern?
Maybe I should just go get my roots done.
That’s all. My emotional barf jamboree hath cometh to an end. And I don’t know if there’s a fix, really. Just keep doin’ my thang, right? Keep on keepin’ on! STAY THE COURSE. Just kidding, don’t punch me.
Also, two weeks until Halloween and we still don’t have costumes! Ugh.
One more thing! Thanks for listening. You rule my face.
Another one more thing! I really need to get these roots done.
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