Tag Archives | tortured poets department

Friday Flotsam

ferns in the sun / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrroooooder! You know what I would LOVE to do? A bookstore reel for you. Nothing but local Kansas City/OP indie bookstores (some new, some old) that ooze charm, plants, and even wine. We have it all. I’m dead serious. We have bookstore downtown that is a BAR. Wanna come? (I’m looking at you, Ash.) I’m […]

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Friday Flotsam

heart balloons / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrr! i d a y . . . Things things things! Do you ever say that to your friends? I do. When it’s catchup time I feel like I say one of two things. Actually three things. One is: “Tell me something good.” I say that a lot. And also, “Tell me things!” I say […]

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