Tag Archives | popping fingers

Friday Flotsam

red living room / bev cooks

Fffffffffffffrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrffffffffffdddddddfffffaaaaaay. I forgot about popping my fingers! I realized last night on the couch while I was reading that I think I completely forgot about finger popping. I had a weird urge to pop my fingers and show Will about said finger popping and I was like, “Wait, when was the last time I did […]

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Friday Flotsam


fridAAAAAAAYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYAAAYAY. Do you want to hear a story about how I’m the worst mom alive? Of course you do, you live for this stuff. Now personally, this story will go down as one of my most proud parental moments, even though it most likely scarred Natalie for life. Listen, it’s my duty to instill the […]

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