Tag Archives | christmas books

Friday Flotsam

leaves and shoes / bev cooks

Frar. Dar. Flart. Sarm. Just how annoyed at me will you be if I tell you I’m 80% finished with Christmas shopping? Eighty percent! I knocked it HA-OUT yesterday, you guys. And by 80% I just mean with the kids. I haven’t touched family lists yet. That’s for post turkey. The kids’ goodies, though? Done. […]

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Friday Flotsam

wrapping paper / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrra! da! So I have a plan. A grand master of plan of the ultimate in psychological trickery. I’m painting my fridge. Hold on, listen. For those of you who’ve not followed along with the fridge obnoxiousness – I blame Covid. We ordered a new refrigerator in J U L Y, and each time we […]

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