Tag Archives | beef ravioli

Creamy Beef Ravioli Soup

Creamy Beef Ravioli Soup / Bev Cooks

Soup! It’s soup time. Someone asked me in Instagram the other day when you all were getting a new soup. Well guess what, Chachi. It’s criminally simple. But as always, packs a punch that will have all the oooohs and aaaaahs seeping out everywhere. (that sounded weird, sorry.) We do take a shortcut with frozen […]

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Creamy Beef Ravioli Soup with Kale

Creamy Beef Ravioli with Kale / Bev Cooks

Soup! The ultimate throw-together slurpy sitch. This one here is going to do you so, so right. Savory beef ravioli meets silky kale meets a luxurious creamy fire-roasted tomato base. Hulz yuz. (<–not cool?) But listen, this isn’t just a bag-ripping, can-opening operation. We’re dicing some onion and garlic so simmer down. Also, let us […]

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