Friday Flotsam


I have a little personal tidbit of info that I think you might find surprising.

I’m severely underestimating your interests, in other words.

Get this, I can stick my hand down a garbage disposal without barfing or passing out. With the motor off, you psycho!

But I can. It took me a long long time to get there, but I can do without a hint of a wince. Well, perhaps a whisper of a wince, but I can still do it.

Also we’re starting a band called Whisper of a Wince.

Can you stick your hand down a garbage disposal without gagging? Does it make you nervous? I don’t know if ours is just ancient and in need of new dentures, but it doesn’t chew up the food like it used to. So I have to reach down, pull out the apple cores and the whatever else that gets budged. And I’ve gotten so used to it that it no longer freaks me out, and I’m so proud of that! And needed you to know! Aren’t you so surprised??

This one needs a life, correct.

You know how young people stick out their tongue in photos and do a peace sign at the same time? Why is that? Why the tongue? Why is it out? (My Andy Rooney is showing, I know.)

I know it’s probably like, “Look at me I’m so hip and relaxed and fun and carefree!” But can you imagine what I would look like trying to pull that off? Baaahahhahaha. No. Absolutely not. Keep your tongue inside that face hole.

That’s all I had to say about that.

Just in case you forgot, we’re in our Nicholas Sparks era, you guys!!

Remember when we (I) decided this a while back and told you all and you (maybe?) agreed and decided that every quarter we’d go back and read an old Sparks novel?? Well here we are. And I’m already obsessed. I’m reading Message in a Bottle FOR THE FIRST TIME and it’s so good. Since it’s set in 1998, I love the way he describes the Internet. “From her personal computer she could research the web and discover that…” hahahahahahah. I miss the ’90s. I can totally imagine her denim shorts and sleeveless white linen blouse (from Banana Republic) because I HAD THE SAME SHIRT. Also remember when Banana Republic had a more . . . tribal vibe? When and how and why did that change? Glad it did, just now suddenly and severely curious at why. Someone research this by logging onto their personal computer and sifting through an online database!

Anyway, the book is fabulous and I one thousand percent plan on watching the the movie right after. What Sparks novel are you reading this month?? Don’t leave me alone in our journey!

Two quick links:: I bought another adorable touch lamp for this corner and weeee’re obsessed. In case you need a (portable) little corner glow.

And also, I bought these red houndstooth cloth napkins for a Chiefs watch party (about to show you that entire day!) and they were a hit. Stylish, soft and chic. It’s football, but make it a vibe.

Weekend plans?

I’m making homemade vanilla extract today with a friend and watching Practical Magic! Remember when we talked about this a long time ago? It’s happening. An intense garage redo tomorrow (don’t remind Aaron), followed by an outdoor Halloween block street party! It’s going to be 91 degrees but we’re ignoring that. That’s about it. Book reports and lawn care on Sundee, hon. Whatchew gawt?

From this week: Your October mixtape! All classical, all peaceful, all very much an emotional journey. And then yesterday we made Roasted Garlic Homemade Butter! I seriously dare you to try this. You’ll trip. It’s amazing.

What should I be for Halloween?

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One Response to Friday Flotsam

  1. Stephanie October 4, 2024 at 8:24 am #
    i’m on a freida mcfadden kick and i canNOT stop. nick will have to wait…as for the weekend, selling sourdough at our farmers market and sunday we rip out the chicken run to set those b’s free! (don’t stress for their safety, we have a livestock guardian dog and she’s learned they are hers. cooped up at night but oh so free range all day long)

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