Tell me what makes you HAPPY.
And no, we’re going to get all therapyish here. Do you know me at all?
I’m just genuinely curious – what makes you the happiest? And I’m not really talking about the broad scope of life – family, friends and health. Not that. Let’s go tiny. Let’s get microscopic. Let’s dig!
I’m thinking about this today because yesterday at pickup I was talking to our normal pod of pickuppers about the fall time change this weekend, and I was waxing poetic about the emotional ritual of it all (we’ve talked about this before but I’m TYING IT IN, OKAY), and the feeling of that impending extra hour of sleep. The slipping into earlier night rhythms, the fishing out the wool socks (wait, where’s the other one?), the stacking of the heavier blankets on the sofa – I’m obsessed with it all. And they were like, “Okay I’ve never been excited about a time change until now.” (however they were also staring at me like I might need psychiatric help.)
Thing is, there’s romance in everything. All the little creaky crevices of life. You just have to notice it.
WAIT, this is taking a turn. Let me steer back.

Tell me specifically what makes you tick. What sparks the inner giddy and puts the skip in your step?
It might simply be the glow of candlelight. (me) The dancing of the flickering flames. (me) It might be classical music first thing in the morning paired with a rich coffee with cinnamon foam and a brief pinterest glance at lush English gardens or antique gallery walls loaded with aged brass frames. (me) It might be rain. Rain all day. With open casement windows and that breeze that comes through that smells like the cool wet petrichor. (me)
It might be the slicing through fresh bread dough with a sharp knife and the shiny underneath peeking through, knowing that it’s going to somehow transform into a stunning design in a hot oven. (me)
It might be clustering antique spoons in a small jar on your countertop next to fresh coffee grounds, a new candle and a thrifted scalloped spoon rest. (me)
It might be the feeling of teetering on inspiration and complete contentment. Those rare, rare moments in life where you feel motivated to take a project on, but absolutely okay if you don’t get to it in that instant. Because it’s fine. Your hair is washed and your book is deliciously ready. (me)
What makes you truly happy?
And listen, if you say a pumpkin spiced latte from a mega coffee chain, I won’t get mad. (maybe)

I have a question for you guys. And this JUST happened, so I have no idea how to really respond.
Nat wants a gold fish for Christmas. But dudes I am NOT ABOUT to buy an aquarium. Hail no. I’m thinking more along the lines of a simple fish bowl. Is that cruel though? Do people still do this? Have fish bowls? Is this allowed? If it’s a beta fish, is it allowed? Can we stick two gold fish in a fish bowl? Is this inhumane? I have no idea. I like the idea of a cute little fish in a cute little bowl with cute little blue rocks in the bottom with a cute little mermaid-style scene in the bowl, but is this horribly mean? I have no idea. It feels wonderfully nineteen nineties and you know I’m IN but is this wrong? I need guidance.
Do you guys have gold fish in a bowl? Beta in a bowl?
We’re starting a band called Beta in a Bowl.

Look at this fabric. I was thinking about one of these options for my pleated lampshade project but I didn’t pull the plug on any because maybe it’s too lumberjack? Or just lumberjack enough? Or a fun different style mixed it with all my other random textures? Originally I was thinking Victorian floral but now I don’t know.
Also would the light bulb even shine through this? It’s too thick, isn’t it?
Also also it’s sort of a flannel material, so it might hard to hot glue in place. Perhaps cotton is better.
DIY-ers – what’s your input?
Also also also will someone make me a blazer out of that brown/red pattern on the left? Thanks, cool. Thanks.

Weekend plans?
(Does this photo ^ immediately have you reaching for an Allegra D?)
We have very little, and it’s wonderful. I’m shooting chicken and potatoes today, rain is on the way, and I plan on finishing The Family (I’m so behind!). We have a Girl Scouts garden clean out tomorrow morning, and then it’s ROOMS PURGE (ya know, to make room for a goldfish bowl). I also might try and get my new kitchen café curtains up on Sunday! I’ll keep you posted because I know your life happiness hinges on this.
From this week! (You guys, my site is SO jank, I know it. I’m working on it next week. Thanks for your patience with this nonsense.) Your mixtape! All lush mood, so you best pop on over. And then a risotto with ham and arugula that’s fit for a king! Or all of us. Either way. Get in both.
Okay, happy seekers – tell me what it is. What’s your secret?
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