Almost June!

We’re not going to talk about how impossible that is. We’re not.
But what we will talk about today is this playlist. It’s everything I played in Rosemary Beach. And by “everything I played in Rosemary Beach” I mean in my reels and stories. All that jazz, man!
I will say that at least half of these songs are on other playlists, because I listen to this music 98.23434% of the time. BUT – it’s all in one place for you this summer. This month. JUNE.
This is what I imagine for you, besides listening all the time, obviously. It’s a perfect mix for the mornings when you’re having coffee with the windows open. It’s the perfect mix for when you’re folding laundry mid-afternoon and burning incense. It’s the perfect mix for when you’re hosting some close friends on your back patio with good wine and cheese. It fits all those occasions. It will make everything better. I swear to you.
Also for some reason it’s not embedding like it normally does. Might be the massive storm we’re having right now. Might be an indication of the kind of hair day I’m about to have. Who knows. But here’s the link!
I give you, all the jazzy music I played on vacation, yo.
We have food coming on Thursday and Summer Bucket List talk on Friday, so start thinking, okay?
Over and out.
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