Friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit’s my birthdaaaaay! 48. Is that not bananas? FORTY EIGHT. What on actual earth.

It feels good, ya know? It’s right up the nostril cavern of 50, but I’m feeling it!
Of course I still need to figure out how to add more softness to my aging hair, and take the time to trim and file and paint my nails more often, but – we’ll get there.
I want to tell you how incredibly grateful I am for you all. For reading me, for humoring me, for listening to me, for joking along with me, for the clicks and the saves and the shares and the comments and the pins. Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. I’m taking the day to relish in all the goodness, all the positivity, all the caffeine and puzzles and estate sales and pie and wine and friends and Taylor Swift the day can offer.
Also I’m making homemade ricotta cheese today. I’ve only made it once. And I posted it here! My dear friends are hosting a lovely soiree for me tonight, so I’m making it again (finally!) and going to fall apart over it. That’s the plan. I’ll show you today!
And maybe paint my nails? We’ll see.

Hugest most colossal MUAH to this Bev Cooks community. Off to purchase collagen powder and milk of magnesia!
Ha, ha. Just kidding.
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