Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r r r r. r r r r s ! r! r! r!

I rubbed a banana on my face.
I rubbed a banana on my FACE because Instagram told me I should. So I did!
“If Instagram told you to jump off a cliff . . . “
I’m not exactly sure what it does, BUT, because I watched that full banana skin face rub video in its entirety, now I see all the banana benefit videos. All of ’em. And look, I don’t doubt that banana skins have benefits. I know they do. Just not sure they can fix the crack in my crawl space pipe.
But I rubbed it on my face! Hahaha! Aaron was like, “Something is different . . . why do you look different?”
Me, “I rubbed a banana on my face.”
Him, “The house is spotless, you must have spent all day cleaning this place.”
Me, “I rubbed a banana on my face.”
Him, “Dinner smells delicious. New recipe?”
Me, “I rubbed a banana on my face.”
Have you rubbed a banana on your face today?

Last week in Stories I asked you all to tell me your favorite period piece dramas. I’ve been in the mood to watch something dramatic and lovely and with a bonnet. But the problem is, my family will have all the zero interest in watching with me, but if I wait until they go to bed, I’m already asleep. Do you know how many times a week I yell from down the hallway, “Mom’s out! Come say goodnight to me.” (except I don’t say it in third person like a weirdo.) (maybe.)
I can’t figure out how to watch a movie here. And when. How does one do this? Maybe one night at 7pm I’ll say to them, “Go downstairs and watch what you want. Mom’s watching bonnets!” (except I won’t say it in third person like a weirdo.) (maybe.)
Do you think that would work? Send them all elsewhere while I indulge in fancy accents, a few corsets, lush gardens and Mr. Darcy. Mom’s digging this. (doh!)
Do you want the list, is what I’m getting at. Would you like it? I have it collected, locked and loaded.
And add to it in the comments because I know this ain’t all!

Far from the Madding Crowd
Pride and Prejudice
Sense and Sensibility
Room with a View
Far and Away
Out of Africa
Cold Mountain
House of Dragon
A Place to Call Home
The Durrells in Corfu
Merchant Ivory
The Gilded Age
A Little Chaos
The Pianist
Gosford Park
Wives and Daughters
Mary and George
Becoming Jane
Pardon the typos, if there are any. This was a copy and paste situation from my comments to my notes to my blog. I’m thinking I need Room with a View – stat. I’ve never seen it!
Truth be told, I’ve not seen a whole handful of these and feel rightly mortified just typing the words out.
What should we add to this list?! Spilleth.

You guys, I think I scratched my eye. My right eye. I really think I scratched it. It started to noticeably hurt yesterday afternoon and when Natalie goes, “Mom do you have pink eye?” I took a look and hoooooly. It looks awful. I’m calling the doctor right at 9am when they open. I have no idea how or when I scratched it! I often get eyelashes in there (which is what I thought it was yesterday), and it makes its way out eventually. But this is different. I know it’s damaged.
Do you think it’s because I rubbed a banana on my face? Is it the banana?! Omg.
I also just put in new earrings on Sunday. Could it be them? Because once I saw a video of a girl who put in new earrings and within days one of her eyes was jaaacked because of the metal in the earrings. It got in her bloodstream and she nearly went blind.
Do you think it’s because I speak in third person from time to time? I can quit anytime!
You guys, if I have to wear an eye patch do you know the onslaught of pirate jokes my family and friends will unleash upon me? Ayyyyeeee’m dooomed.

Weekend plans?
We have Mom Dive this afternoon at the pool, and yes, it is hysterical. All the moms jump or dive off the diving boards and the kids give out awards. Last year I won the “loudest scream” award. Naturally.
Besides some mom hanging, some out-of-town friends visiting, some mirror hanging on the patio (finally!) and finishing Girls in the Stilt House (finally!), I plan on healing this eyeball and just kicking it.
From this week::: songs! On Tuesday I gave you our take on Hold Me by Fleetwood Mac. I’m obsessed. I hope you got a chance to listen! And then yesterday I gave you Will’s version of Across the Universe by the Beatles. Even more obsessed. That kid is a gem.
WAIT – do you think it’s because there was a gnat in my leftover coffee??
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