
I have the funniest story to start your Friday. I’m telling you, I felt like I was in the damn Twilight Zone, and you need to know about this so that you can pull this prank on your family. Or Taylor Swift lover.
SO, last Saturday evening after a loooong day of cutting down dead limbs in our back yard and twining them up (not important to the story, I just wanted you to know what a bawd-aww I’d been in the yard maintenance and beautification department.), we passed on social plans (which isn’t my character at all and broke my heart but I looked like hammered earwax and had a race the next morning so something had to give.) and zipped out in the ominous weather (we’ve had in and out huge storms and steady rain for a straight week. great reading weather! again, not important, I’m just weaving you a tale) to get mediterranean takeout whilst listening to Poets. Obviously.
WELL, on the way back I was blasting The Alchemy with my windows down, as one does. And right when it got to the drippy, sultry chorus, the song abruptly switched over to the Harry Potter theme song. Ummm, sorry, what just happened? So I grabbed my phone, confused as hell, wondering if I’d somehow bumped it, and switched it back to the Alchemy. Started right up. Okay let’s get this mood back.
AND THEN, right as it returned to that delicious chorus drop, IT SWITCHED OVER TO FISH HEADS.
I am perplexed (and kinda teed-off) beyond all comprehension. There is no universe where Fish Heads would be in my “recently heard” and could bump its way in. None. Is my phone broken? Is Spotify against me? Am I being abducted by aliens? All probable.
So I change it back to The Alchemy AGAIN because I need that chorus and at this point it’s me against the world.
I get home. I walk in with our food. And Aaron, Nat and Will are on the couch in absolute hysterics.
I’m like, “What? What are you laugh- WAIT.”
Them, “Hahahahhahahahahha we were controlling your musiiiiiic ahdflahahahhaahaha!”
They were literally watching Spotify on our TV and seeing me listen to the Alchemy and TIMING IT so that when the chorus hit, it would switch to something that would send me straight to an asylum. (irony intended)
(to be fair, I love the Harry Potter theme song, but not in the middle of The Alchemy when my mood is wrapped in that world.)
Did you know you could do this horrible thing to someone?

Speaking of Taylor (listen, if you’re not into life glee, then skip on down, bruh) – I’ve been posting little snippets of TTPD song moments in my Stories each day this week. Moments that for me are the entire essence of the album. Either a lyric, the way a drum sounds, the guitar choice, her melodies, anything. They’re in a highlight if you’ve missed them. Top left!
Okay I SWEAR that’s all I’ll say about Taylor today.

Sorry, tell me more about this mass cicada situation? What again? Excuse me, am I going to have to carry an umbrella all summer and keep my mouth closed when outside because they’ll be swarming in droves? Hard no.
Haaaaaaarddddddd neeeeer.
I saw something on IG about needing an umbrella all summer and I’m now I’m spiraling. Also I looked at the cicada invasion map and KC is on the cusp. Oh dear lord no.
You don’t understand, I have a crippling fear of bugs. Especially those that fly. Ask anyone who has ever known me. It’s a NIGHTMARE to be around me in the summer.
Tell me I’ll survive this. Tell me now.
right now.

Weekend plans?
I can’t decide if I want to arrange all my pillows back in their various places on my back patio sofa and hammock, if there’s another round of storms in 24 hours. What do we think: put them back? Let’s put them back. I’m putting them back! Glad we have this talk.
We have soccer tonight, lots of yard beautification to dive into, window boxes to fill (I keep forgetting! Also rain). I’m meeting an LA friend of mine at this new quaint bar tomorrow night in a darling corner in Brookside. Look at it! I’ve never been. And I may never leave. About to finish Watching You (omgggg) and will start something Elin right after. I need a summer scandal stat.
From this week::: A Basque Cheesecake! You’ve given me the best tips on how to make this one even more stellar, so thankyouthankyou. Also the video for visual. Then we have your May mixtape. It’s seriously a favorite, so you’ll need to start it now. One last thing – I posted a fun spring spread with St. Francis Winery. Their sauvignon blanc is OUTRAGEOUS. Peep it and get inspired! I dare ya.
Okay but really, what’s the cicada sitch? Because no.
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