
Natalie gave me her Christmas list three nights ago.
I was in bed reading. It was like, 9:15pm and I was this close to turning out my bedside lamp, and in walks Miss Prissy List all, “Okay here it is. And it’s numbered so it’s easier to read. And I want all of this. But I’m not like demanding it. I’d just really love it all. Are you ready?”
Hold up hold up hold up. Leaves are still in the trees, sister face. I’m in shorts. We still have yet to decide on a Halloween costume and you’re handing this to me now???
Also, yes please. My heart went pitter patter at all that planning ahead! What exactly is on this list? I’m all ears and then some. (<–did I just combine two phrases?)
You guys, I might start buying this weekend. I might! I just might. And I was telling my friend Anna the other night that I love how the list still reflects bits and pieces of little girl (slime and stuffies, duh), but also gives a glimpse ahead at the pre-tween era (Taylor Swift swag, possible ear piercing). It’s a doable list. (don’t tell her some of it will be bumped to birthday though, okay? cool thanks.)
So naturally I was like, “Will, do you have a Christmas list?” And he was like, “Wait what? When is that?”
We’ll concentrate on apple pies for now.

Spotify did the rudest thing to me the other day. You will not believe the audacity it had. Unacceptable. Unbelievable. How DARE it.
You know how it suggests local concerts based on what you play? Right, right. You get that email and you scroll through the bands and the concert prices to see if it’s something you can make happen. We know how this goes.
The other day it suggested Amy Grant.
I was so offended and so shocked at this suggestion! Amy Grant?! What is going on here? Also though, what’s . . . the set list? Is it her secular era because that I’m into. Is it Baby Baby? Is it Heart in Motion? That’s What LOOOOOVE IS FOOOOOOR. …to help us throuuuuuugh iiiiiit.
Cannot believe this.
How much is the ticket again?

Word of advice to True Crime Podcast Junkies: don’t google what the people look like whilst listening. It will spoil it all!
Save it for the end. I have done this too many times to admit. I’m just so curious what they look like so I can imagine it all, ya know? I can’t do it with books, so why do I feel the need with podcasts? BECAUSE THEY ARE REAL PEOPLE which is obvious so not sure why I typed all that. And one of them is most likely dead or in prison and I need to visualize this. But in doing so I accidentally read headlines like, “Doo Dad BoDiddly is in prison for life for killing Boo Sass Sissly with used dental floss.”
Don’t do it.
Also what podcast are you binging right now? For me: Betrayal Season Two. Hooooooorrific.
Which is why we’ll change the subject right meow. (<–sorry)

Taylor and Kelce.
There is just NO WAY on this flickin’ earth that they are legit. Zero chance. Zilch. Nadda.
I will eat my words if we see paparazzi photos of them, but until then I stand firm that this is 100 kagillion are-you-kidding-me % a rumor. (started by brother Jason to throw Travis off his game so that the Eagles make it back to the Superbowl? Oh, I’ve heard it all.)
Don’t get me wrong. We follow and root for the Chiefs and are proud of the killer status they maintain, buuuuuuuut cooooooome oooooooonaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Thoughts on this? Is it real? Is it fake? Do we want to it to be real? Fake? Are we not-so-secretly loving this? Are we really that hard up for Taylor gossip? (I mean clearly the answer here is yes to everything.)

Weekend plans?
It’s a stormy one over here and I am We’re hosting a lil’ bestie sleepover night, hunting for monarch caterpillars, making caramel apples and watching Father of the Bride Part Two. Tomorrow morning I have eleven thousand miles to run. (hold me), a birthday party for Will to attend, a fall festival to hit up at a local nursery, a brewery to check out. More storms. A couple out-of-town friends’ necks to hug, and some Chiefs to watch on Sunday. (aka: looking for Taylor in the stands.) You’re gonna do it too, admit it.
From this weeeeeek!::: Elbow Macaroni with Mushrooms and Pancetta! Embarrassingly simple, and flavor for days. Here’s that video! And then we have Roasted Garlic Chicken Drumsticks for your Sunday football spread. And the video to guide ya.
I also need to make something apple heavy this weekend. (uhhh yeah, those are our apples) Sauce? Cider? Pie? All of the above? Hit meh.
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