
WELL, I was going to ask you all about puffer vests.
I randomly deci- okay. It wasn’t random. It was sort of random, but let me tell you how I got there. Listen close because this is weird. I was scrolling IG earlier this week and I came across some Emmy winners’ interviews. And I saw this clip of Amanda Seyfried talking about her win of her portrayal of Elizabeth Holmes in whatever show that was. So I clicked on the show and saw this clip of her character like, doing this little shoulder dance in an office doorway with a cup of coffee, a white button up, her hair in a little bun and wearing a puffer vest. SEE I told you we’d get there.
And I thought, “That’s cute on her! And I like this dance. Is it a coffee dance? I need to learn it. And get the puffer vest.” My sis-in-law Carolyn wears puffer vests in the cooler months and she always looks so sharp. I even tried hers on once and laughed so hard because it just did NOT look like me.
BUT BUT – I decided to try again. So I asked my friends Mindy and Anna about puffer vests because they totally wear them and look great in them.
So we talked about brands: Gap (all out), Old Navy (basically all out), Patagonia (see the news on that? just amazing!), LuluNOT happening, and Amazon. And I was going to ask you all about your favorite sleek puffer vests, but I found one! On Amazon!
I’ll still ask you: SHOW ME YOUR FAVE (not fav) PUFFER VEST. <–sorry to scream.
I bought this one. And it’s so, so good. Fitted, not bulky, looks sleek but casual. I cannot believe I even like it.

Speaking of Mindy, you guys, she’s starting Verity this weekend so I’m going to ask you all to hold her close in your hearts and send positive, cozy energy her way because girl’s about to get WHIP. LASHED. 🙂

Okay, I need your help with something.
Table stains. Table stains on wood. I am so depressed about this, and I need all of your good tips. They can be DIY, they can be chemical-oriented, they can be howling at the moon in your underpants, I do not care I just need help.
I have a few water rings and a few stains here and there that are so stubborn I want to burn it all down. I’ve tried baking soda and water. I’ve tried (not frozen) peanut butter. I’ve tried toothpaste. Nothing is working. NOTHAAAAANG.
I know what your next question is going to be – what kind of wood is it? We need to know that, Bev. I don’t know! I’d need to look back through emails and figure it out, and I just cannot. So let’s just say, it’s pineoakcedarbirch. No clue.
Tell me how to get these #$#%# stains out!
Thank you.

Let’s talk loafers!
Are you in? Out? Maybe? I love loafers, but the pair that I have is so out of style and all the wonk. Maybe I just put them on again and see how they land in my heart. I’d love a new pair, and I want you to show me what you’re wearing right now. I need a classic shape, with a little gold chain accent on top.
Shoe meh! I mean show meh! I mean shoe meh.
Never mind.

Weekend plans?
First of all, it’s going to be 9 thousand degrees. I’m keeping a positive attitude but inside I’m doing some mega finger wagging at Mama Nay Nay for this. I have a new puffer vest to wear, gall dern it!
It’s a packed weekend for us – Lancer parade today, family game/pizza night tonight with friends, our annual Apple Day tomorrow with another set of friends (remember the apple sangria?? happening), then the KC Current game on Sunday with Nat’s Girl Scouts crew! I just got tired typing all of that out.
From this weeeeeek, in case you hate me: Pappardelle with Broccoli and Mushrooms! So delicious. And vegetarian! And a Banana Cream Cheese Skillet Cake, with Rosemary. Uuuuuugh, you will fall apart.
Okay, table stains. Let’s tackle this.
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