FFFFFFFFFFFFFFrah rah ree ree roo roo day. I mean day!

I decided that one of my least favorite things in life is the sound of an electrician or plumber. Like, the noises they make from a room away. It gives me such anxiety! I need to be AWAY from it all, I’ve decided.
You know what I’m talking about, the grunts and exasperated sighs every few seconds because a wrench won’t work the the pipe’s too clogged or a cockroach is walking over his face.
I have to remind myself that when I hear those noises of annoyance, not to take it so personally. They wanted this job. This is their wheelhouse. Those sounds mean money to them. They’re working hard and loving this problem-solving-life-opportunity and should I just apologize for the clogged pipe and give them a taco?!
An no matter what, I feel like they all hate me. They hate me and my face and my clogged pipe and I never should have hired them in the first place.
But it’s like, don’t make those noises! My psyche can’t deal with it, and here in about 15 seconds I’mon’ coming runnin’ in with a checkbook, apologizing for the inconvenience all, “NEVER MIND I’M SURE AARON CAN FIGURE IT OUT ON SOME TUTORIAL ON YOUTUBE YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY OKAY OMG SORRY.”
Don’t tell me I’m alone in this.

You guys, I need help.
Wait, why are you looking at me like that?
We head to Oregon in three weeks, and I need to start thinking about my Oregonian fashion! (duh) This is the reality – it’s an outdoorsy state. And I’m not exactly known for my hiking books, plaid flannel or my love of insects.
I need you to tell me the outdoor essentials to bring!
Backpacks. Yep.
Chacos – found them in the back of my closet!
Rainboots, coat and umbrella – got it.
A tie dye canteen?
Stop shaving my legs until they match my wool socks in both appearance and texture?
Watch Wild with Reese Witherspoon? I mean after that, I should be good to go.
Should I grow a beard?
My main thing is shoes. I need some chill, cute hiking-ish shoes. Not that I plan on becoming MOUNTAIN WOMAN OF THE TWIGS, but we will be sprinkling in some earthy activities here and there, beyond the wineries and farmer’s markets and any summer festival I CAN FIND. (my fist is in the air right now.)
Give me your wilderness recommendations!
I mean, I already drive a Subaru, so I’m basically halfway there.

I feel like there are currently two camps of human beings in this world. And I’m definitely in the minority camp here.
I’m going to be as nice as possible with this next sentence because I respect you all and your life decisions and YOU DO YOU and it’s all good and let’s have a pillow fight.
Who here wishes Game of Thrones would straight up evaporate and disappear forever?
I mean, it’s not like I HATE dragons. Elliot and Puff are totally cool.
But like . . . no. I do not get it. I am perfectly content never seeing a single episode and being made fun of and living life GOT-free. Ahhhhhh, refill my rosé and let’s watch When Harry Met Sally! …again.
Please tell me I’m not alone in this.
(I just lost 85% of my followers just now.)

Do you call it a white button up? Or a white button down?
“Here, let me just put on my white button up shirt and I’ll be ready.”
“Here, let me just put on my white button down shirt and I’ll be ready.”
Are they both right?!
These are the things I think about at night and all the time.

Weekend plans?!
Why is the earth so cold right now? IT IS MAAAAAAAY. Mama Nay Nay needs her head checked. It’s only gonna be in the 60s this Mother’s Day weekend and I’m trying to accept it.
Oh! I’ll be finishing Daisy Jones and the Six and blabbing about that super soon. And finally taking photos of our finished patio to post in a couple of weeks!
That’s basically it. And Mother’s Day rosé. LAWTS. OF. THAT.
Tell me what you’re having for dinner.
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