Friday Flotsam

Frrrrrrrrrrrrring break! I mean spring break!

Speed Queen washer and dryer users: what settings do you normally use? Yes I read the manual. But I want to know what normal people use when they do normal laundry. For now I’ve been using the eco setting, warm water, extra rinse so that I can use fabric softener. Is that what’s most common? My sister does the presoak but that adds 3 months to the wash cycle. But she really really needs her clothes to sit in the water for that extra 30 minutes. Is it necessary? Do you notice a huge difference? Tell me what you use! But I’m not bossy about it or anything.

You guys, I had something BIG to ask you and I completely forgot what it was. And it’s driving me bananas. I didn’t write it down because I knew I’d remember and of course I don’t and I know better. I know better!

I’m reading Valley of the Dolls and it’s incredible but that’s not it.

I’m putting together some new garden bed plans but that’s not it.

I’m debating on a new hair style but you already know about that.

I’m pondering starting a Substack newsletter but that’s not it.


Never mind.

Oh! The wallpaper that you helped me pick out shipped. We went with the second to the left, Canopy Shade. So basically a dark and moody wall behind my vanity. Aaron was like, “Imagine all the brass frames on this wallpaper.” THIS IS WHY I MARRIED HIM.

I’ll show you soon.

What the heck was I going to ask!!

Weekend plans?

The kids are out for spring break, which frankly doesn’t feel quite fair after the 75 holidays, 236 snow days and the occasional sick day we’ve had since early January. Yet here we are. Luckily the weather looks (mostly) fantastic so I plan to kick them out of the house while I zip up my taxes. Don’t want to make you jealous but yes, dental appointments and taxes are the name of the spring break game. And basketball! And some garden bed clean up. And a happy hour or two or eighty.

From this week::: oh man, some very simple Philly Cheesesteak Subs to die for. And the video for it! They would be perfect to kick off your weekend. Dew eet.

Okay, tell me your Speed Queen settings and what you’re doing for spring break. I need these details to thrive, you know.

3 Responses to Friday Flotsam

  1. Mary March 14, 2025 at 9:59 am #
    You may have just sent me on a pre-soak journey I didn’t know I needed to go on. Happy washing!
  2. Beverly March 14, 2025 at 10:06 am #
    We use the permanent press cycle the most. This was after I found out I was using the Normal Eco setting wrong (by not selecting the Extra Rinse setting). Now you've got me wondering if I should try the Normal Eco setting again?? I also use the Delicate setting for all my sweaters (with this I use the light soil setting). There are so many settings so the options are limitless! Congrats on your new washer - I love my Speed Queen!
  3. Danielle Nash March 14, 2025 at 11:00 am #
    I use Perm Press with the extra soak/extra rinse cycle. The “norm” cycle was too harsh, it started roughing up a pair of my JCrew jeans and so I only use it for specific tough jobs now. I don’t have a delicate on mine and I loathe that because I like delicate fabrics. So jealous of your model.

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