
This is going to feel a bit different today. Partly because I don’t have much silliness bouncing around up in the noggin lately, but also I’m kind of in the mood to just be real with you all. Not that I’m not ever not real. Not really. (huh?) But this is definitely a season of challenges and I just feel like talking about it. Being a bit more vulnerable and open about everything. And the thing is, it’s not just me. EVERYONE goes through rough patches and are hit with hardships from time to time. Shoot, I can take a quick glance at the entire country and WORLD and realize we have it so, so good.
And I’m definitely not going to bore you with the laundry list (no pun intended) of challenges we’ve experienced over the last few months because many are ironed out. So many are. But the main thing we gotta fix right now is Aaron’s shoulder. So if there are any physical therapists or doctors reading this (because you have so much time!), this is my cry to you. This is what we know so far:
He’s seen two doctors plus one physical therapist (for a quick consultation because it was going to seven THOUSAND dollars and that was a huge hell no), taken multiple rounds of muscle relaxers + pain pills, had monthly massages, worked on band exercises/yoga at home on the regular, only to be met with very mild relief. His shoulder is knotted past the point of normal, and we’re at a loss of what to do next. I will say, his next round of muscle relaxers aren’t ready until Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, and his next PT meeting (with someone muuuuuuuch more reasonable) isn’t until March 4th. But guys, what do we do until then? He’ll have waves of relief under the relaxers, but without those, he’s in agony. He’s rotating between icing it and heating it, resting it and stretching it, medicating it and letting it be, and it’s awful. And it affects everything. I know time will pass and he’ll be okay and he’ll get it taken care of, but I wish this could happen today and right now.
What do you recommend? Dry needling? Cupping? Any specific stretch? A specific pain med? Because I’m about to- I mean he’s about to die. And we gotta figure this out. If you have any advice to give, we’ll take it with open arms. Hahahahaha! Get it? Arms? Shoul – ? Never mind.

This is all I have today. This week I posted Focaccia Pizza and it’s insanely good. You have it try it. On top of that, A Roasted Cauliflower and Chickpea Plates. Outrageous.
My website is also acting up, so if you have trouble and if things look jank, do let me know. I’ll try and tackle soon.
Next week things will look up, I know it! Take all the care.
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