Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrappy Valentine’s Day! Remember when I used to call it Balemtime’s Bay and you were still my friend? I’d like to apologize for putting you through that.

Guess what word I just learned. I’ve lit-rally never heard this word in my entire life and I just read it and learned it for the very first time and it has tickled me to no end.
Mollycoddle!! Hahaha! Isn’t that just great? M O L L Y C O D D L E.
If you play any of the New York Times puzzles (I won’t tell you which one), this word will beautifully land in your psyche today. I thing we need to bring back old words like this. Like mollycoddle. And fiddle faddle. And snollygoster. (<–I can think of a few of those right off the top of my head.)
What else! What else are we bringing back? Had you already heard of the word mollycoddle? Of course you had.
Wait, Balemtimes!
Just kidding.

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I think we need to share a story from our childhood. Because I cannot tell you how hilarious it is to witness 5th grade Valentine’s vibes over here. It is something ELSE. Because . . . there are baby crushes. And no one wants to admit it. And there’s a lot of sibling teasing. And taunting.
“Who’s YOUR Valentine, Wiiiiiiill?”
“Shut up! Who’s YOURS? Our DOG?”
“We don’t say shut up, Will. Be nice. And Natalie, stop bugging your brother. Also did your brush your teeth?”
Will admitted this morning that “this is the only holiday that makes him feel really, really awkward.” And I died! I love him so much. And told him *I* would be his valentine but he just grunted and walked away.
But! It reminded me of junior high and when boys would pay like, a quarter to buy a CARNATION (which I actually still love) and a courier of 7th and 8th graders would hand deliver them to various classrooms throughout the day and I never got one but BONNIE HUNT did. I was so sad. There were so many carnations delivered that day. But none to me. Not one single crush. Not one single carnation.
They’ll live.
Tell me your story! What scarred you for life on this holiday, many moons ago? I know you have the goods up your pink and red sleeves.

Poll: have any of you ever tried the French makeup brand Typology? I’ve seen ads for it in my IG for over a year and I’m so curious. It looks light, dewy and glorious, but I need real life reviews on it. I’m getting low on my Ilia stick thingy and feeling like a possible change.

Weekend plans?
Not too, too much over here. The kids are out of school Monday and Tuesday (because seriously, when are they ever in school anymore?), so it’s going to feel like a month. (I’m not bitter about it or anything.) A bit of soccer, a birthday party, a variety show practice, finding some good pizza and chocolates tonight, reading an old juicy Elin novel, a crackling fire, and that’s about it! Tell me what chew gawt.
From this week, an Orange Bundt Cake that will have you on the verge of a breakdown. It’s delicious. And the video for it!
Okay, we need your best/worst/saddest childhood Valentine’s day stories. Stat! (but I’m not bossy about it or anything.)
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