Friday Flotsam

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrit’s been a week.

You guys are not going to dang believe this. I don’t like to dump personal woes on the general public, but for this, I gotta collect data and make a big decision, man!


Last Friday (as in, an entire week ago) I started a load of laundry and zipped out with my friend to an estate sale. Got home and found the washing machine . . . blinking. With an error code. No.

(Why yes we just replaced our broken refrigerator. Good memory.)

I started the load again, only to get the same message. NO, NO.

Aaron and I both had busy days and didn’t see each until later that Friday night. So Saturday morning we YouTubed a few tutorials and discovered that this code is fairly common, but could be anything from unplugging and restarting, to traveling to the Moon to get specific martian dust particles. So we booked a technician with Sears for Monday morning between 8am and noon. That timeframe came and went. They called to reschedule for the next day “due to unforeseen circumstances.” Hmm. Okay.

Tuesday’s timeframe came and went (You really didn’t think I was going to leave out the entire STORY of this, right? You know me better than that.) We got another message right at noon saying they needed to bump.

So I went another route and called, what I thought, was a Prairie Village appliance technician.

Guess what.

It connected me back to Sears!

I was like, “Oh hell no. You stood us up twice. Give me another company.” And the dude was like, “Booking online is weird, you’ll have better luck booking over the phone because we’ll give you tracking, the technician’s name and exact timing.” I said, “You’re SURE?” And he swore to me.

He swore to me.

So I . . . booked again. Why are you looking at me like that?

(Why yes the laundry pile has reached the chimney by now. And looks like a Ren and Stimpy cartoon.)

The next morning at 8am I get my first text alert telling me the technician’s name, the fact that we’re 3 stops away and his arrival time of 9:45am. Great! This is great! This is different! I refreshed closer to 9am and saw that we’ve been bumped to 11am and are now 2 stops away. Okay, can totally deal with this.

Refreshed again closer to 10 and saw that we’re now bumped to noon and 1 stop away. Hmmm. Okay.

Refreshed again at 10:45am and saw, “You’re the next stop!” but the timeframe is now between 1pm and 2pm. My stomach dropped. I waited 30 more minutes, refreshed and saw that the alert went away and the timeframe now said between 3pm and 4pm. NOOOOOOO.

At the same time, Aaron got an automated call saying they needed to reschedule. So we just canceled everything and put a For Sale sign up in the yard.

Just kidding.

What’s the saying: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool with me three times, sell the house? Something.

So I called AB May, gave them the sob story and they were out by 10am the next morning. Which was yesterday morning. And after a quick glance at the machine (it’s very old), a reboot and a dissection of the motherboard or whatever the hell it is, it was declared dead. The parts don’t even exist anymore.


I cried. I did. I cried to my friend Kim, who graaaaciously has been letting me do my laundry at her house just up the street the past two days. One more load this morning and I’m all caught up.

But . . . now I have to buy a washer/dryer set and I am pissed off and CLUELESS in this arena. This is the thing. I do not care. It’s in the basement. I don’t have an attractive laundry setup. It’s very ’90s down there with props and Christmas and Halloween and luggage and camping crap all set in wood paneling. It’s nothing. But I need you tell me what to buy! I just need something to wash and dry and not break.

I’ve heard Speed Queen is incredible, but that’s a LOT of money. I don’t need bells and whistles. I really just want something that’s high efficiency and white. That’s all. I don’t care if it’s front or top loader (what’s the better option though? Why did we all switch to front loaders years ago? Is it really that much better?), I just need press start and walk away.

What do you use? What do you love? I’m collecting this data today and ordering tomorrow morning.

Thank you for the input! And for listening to my never-ending woes. (how about, also this week while this was happening, we had to have an electrician come fix the wiring between our dishwasher and disposal because they were both fusing out and not working. Hahahahah! WHAT IS GOING ON. I need one week for things to just . . . work.)

The end. I hope.

While I have you, wanted to let you know we’re closing shop on Nat’s Girls Scout cookie site in about a week, if you still wanted to order. Not sure why I’m helping her out though, as earlier this week she said to me, “Your nose is extra pointy today.”

Hmm. Thank you for that, you 11-year old turd. Here it is, for those still in need of cookies. And of course a massive thank you to those who have ordered! You da best.

Weekend plans?

It’s a wild one over here. The kids aren’t in school today (when are they ever?) so I’m chaperoning a bunch of Girl Scouts this afternoon to an event downtown at Union Station. Should be super cute. Tonight’s Aaron’s winter work party (held at Allen Fieldhouse, for those JayHawks lovers!), so I have to get dressed up nice while thinking about washing machines. Yay? Tomorrow I’m actually going to a funeral for a guy I knew loooong long ago. Undoubtedly a sad situation, but going to be great seeing old friends from a few lifetimes ago. Then a soccer game Saturday night and the Super Bowl on Sunday! And ordering a washing machine. Like stat.

From this week::: Soba Noodles With Shrimp! Delicious and slurpy. And the video for it! Also your Feb mixtape. It’s GREAT. I really hope you’ll listen, if you have a slight indie side.

Okay, guys, washer and dryer set. What am I buying?!


31 Responses to Friday Flotsam

  1. Alyssa February 7, 2025 at 7:34 am #
    Our old old old washer kicked the can a few years ago and I was devastated. We ended up getting a Whirlpool HE frontload machine and it’s been great!
  2. Shannon February 7, 2025 at 7:35 am #
    We are friends with an appliance repair guy and he told us to never buy a front loader! We have a top loader Whirlpool and it works great! No bells and whistles...just a basic washer. Easier to repair if something goes wrong...good luck!!
  3. Dee February 7, 2025 at 8:04 am #
    I think your best bet is to move. My husband and I recently bought a house (made in the 60s) and there is a very old washer and dryer there (by the looks of them, also made in the 60s) and my first thought was the previous owner left them there because they couldn't be bothered to get rid of them because there's NO WAY they still work. For a lark, I tried them and wouldn't ya know, they work! They are so old that the washer has ONE dial that you turn and it tick tick ticks as you turn it and then you pull the same knob to start the machine. I told my daughter "this is crazy, but I kinda love my old washer and dryer" and she (who was visiting and currently owns a front-loading set) said "I know! I'm kinda jealous!" Anyway, from everything I've heard about front loaders, I hope I can always find some old top loaders (or that my current set will last as long as I do).
  4. Oldman February 7, 2025 at 8:05 am #
    Whatever you do, don’t buy a Samsung! Ours went after 1 year and like you they don’t make the parts. It was the same with our Samsung stove, the clock broke, which we can do without, so we limp along. We replace the washer with. Whirlpool Cabrio and LOVE IT!
  5. Deborah February 7, 2025 at 8:10 am #
    The concern over front loaders smelling is no longer a problem. So put that concern aside. Just leave door open and don’t use too much detergent. had horrible loader with top loader too. I have a brand new Electrolux and it sucks. Previously I had Sears kenmore and the dang things survived My house getting hit by lightning. Also had Samsung which I loved. Consumer reports just rated LG very well. I may switch when this dang Electrolux dies. (The spin cycle sounds like a jet taking off and vibrates the floor.)
    • Kristin February 8, 2025 at 7:33 am #
      When my washer sounded like a jet taking off, it was a loose bearing. If your machine is new, and hopefully under warranty, you may want to check into that sound sooner rather than later.
  6. Carrie February 7, 2025 at 8:41 am #
    LG for sure! This set is a workhorse and super reliable!
  7. Christy K. February 7, 2025 at 9:04 am #
    Several years ago I bought a highly rated, expensive, front load washer and dryer set. We quickly learned that the door has to stay open to prevent a funk. They do an okay job, but we've had to have them worked on at least 5-6 times. They aren't 10 years old yet and I'm pretty sure the washer is about done. They don't handle small loads well, and if you are washing stinky yard work clothes, you'd better change the cycle and expect the wash to take about an hour. The 25 year old basic Whirlpool set at our lake shack is still going strong. We bought them from a family who'd used them for their first 19 years and they handle all of the beach towels and bulky laundry well. I'll be going back to top loader workhorses.
  8. Lesley February 7, 2025 at 9:21 am #
    Been there and done that sister! I’ve had several name brands over the years, but currently have Maytag and have not had good luck. They don’t make washers and dryers like they used to, even the top name brands that used to be reliable. I have an excellent appliance repair guy and he told me after the fact that Speed Queen is the best made today and has been for many years, although expensive. In his opinion, it is worth the money and they should last 30 years or longer. Good luck!
  9. Caroline February 7, 2025 at 9:48 am #
    NEVER Samsung - mine almost exploded. and I had it less than 6 months. They gave me less than half my money back. WE bought a GE UltraFresh front loader washer and dryer. Never had any issues smell or otherwise. They are great machines. Also, I didn't think I wanted one that had an app and honestly didn't use it for years but now I took the time to figure it out and it has been a game changer when I forget to take out my dry clothes/etc.
  10. Sharla February 7, 2025 at 9:59 am #
    What a fiasco, thank goodness for good friends/neighbors! I got rid of a top of the line eco friendly whirlpool washer because it would not get the soap out. I would use tiny amounts (like 2 tablespoons) of soap then half to run the cycle again to get it out. After much research, I ended up getting a top load Speed Queen with an AGITATOR. It works much better. Good luck!
  11. Sharla February 7, 2025 at 10:06 am #
    Have not half! Also, really enjoy your IG posts and recipes!!
  12. Erin February 7, 2025 at 10:08 am #
    Never a front loader! We have one and the mold problem is horrific!
  13. Dayna February 7, 2025 at 10:16 am #
    We have LG front loader. While it does do a good job washing it takes FOREVER…over an hour for washing!! I will go back to a top loader when this one dies.
  14. Rebekah S February 7, 2025 at 10:18 am #
    Stay away from the front loaders.
  15. michelle February 7, 2025 at 10:21 am #
    I have a Maytag top loader with an agitator and really like it. Having had a front loader previously, I'll never get one again. I didn't think it got the clothes as clean and having to keep the door open so things didn't stink was a nuisance. As for brands, I stay far, far, far away from anything Samsung. I've had a fridge, TV, tablet, and phone from them that all lasted way less time than they should have. (The fridge only lasted 24 months!) Good luck!
  16. Adriana February 7, 2025 at 10:21 am #
    Not sure my opinion is much help but I am a nanny. Downstairs is a front loader and of course the issue is to be careful with keeping door open and keeping ahead of the mold buildup. Upstairs is a top loader, no agitator. This one you have to baby loads- it will get off balance very easily and does not do well with small loads. It also have much longer cycles than the front load because of the off balance and I am 5'5 and genuinely need a step stool to reach the bottom of the basin.
  17. Ellen Allen February 7, 2025 at 10:21 am #
    I LOVE my Maytag front loader! Love it, love it, love it! And just an additional FYI - to help save our earth from plastic containers - I use CLEAN PEOPLE laundry pods or sheets - they both work great!
  18. Stephanie February 7, 2025 at 10:34 am #
    Whatever you do, opt for a top loader (not front loader).
  19. Dina February 7, 2025 at 10:40 am #
    I have a new LG front loader and my only complaint is that it won’t spin blankets or pillows that collect a lot of water. So I wouldn’t buy an LG in my opinion. As far as people complaining about front loaders and mold issues, you need to wipe the door and seal after you’re done. It’s never been a problem for me and I’ve owned 2 front loaders.
  20. Lisa February 7, 2025 at 10:42 am #
    Never Whirlpool. It started oozing oil and shut down on me a month after the coverage ended. I got a Speed Queen and haven't had a problem, knock on wood!
  21. Cathy February 7, 2025 at 10:57 am #
    We bought a new Speed Queen set about a year ago, and have been extremely happy with it. I got the fancy deals with all the bells and whistles, but have found that I really only use may 2 or 3 settings. Our models have a 6 or 7 year warranty. That is the total deal maker for us!
  22. Kathleen February 7, 2025 at 10:58 am #
    Bought a new Speed Queen set recently. Wish I’d shelled out the bucks for it 9 years ago when I bought a Whirlpool set, which I hated. Speed Queen is manufactured in the USA, which sometimes leads to better repair service and parts.
  23. Audrey February 7, 2025 at 11:31 am #
    After a lot of research we chose to go with Maytag (remember the lonely Maytag repair man?) Love my new washer/dryer. We replaced old Maytag machines that were here when we bought the house 9 years ago. They were old, but worked great! ! That was part of the motivation to stick with Maytag. Many years ago in another house we bought a Samsung washer/dryer and HATED them!
  24. Renae February 7, 2025 at 1:17 pm #
    Honestly, I would go to a used appliance store and get an old top load that you can live with. They're a vibe. They're honestly the best because they're "used" and still running and that means they were made well. And if you're not looking at them anyway, what's the harm of one that's avocado or off-white? I would say maybe try to get one without the post thing in the middle, but then it might not be nearly as old. I do have an LG front load and it's fine, I'm on my 2nd one in about 13 years but it also washed a LOT of baseball pants, so who knows? I will get a top load next time for sure. Also, if your dryer is still working you can stick with it. It's not shampoo/conditioner after all. ;) Good luck!!
  25. Sydney February 7, 2025 at 3:32 pm #
    After our 10 year old top loader sadly couldn't be repaired anymore we got an LG front loader because it was affordable and we were able to carry it out of Costco that night. It doesn't smell but we leave the door open whenever it's not in use and my husband runs a cleaner through it every couple of months. We use laundry sheets and that combined with always adding a second rinse to the cycle seems to get things clean. It's easy to use and we've had no issues, but I HATE front loading machines. Never again. I have to crawl on my hands and knees to get everything out and it's DARK in there so I often miss that one sock or washcloth. I've honestly considered getting a headlamp to keep in the laundry room but that seems silly. I also have asked several times if we can get some sort of bench to put the thing on so we don't have to crawl to change loads. No one else seems to think this is a worthwhile project so here we are, on the laundry room floor saying curse words. I sincerely hope this is your last appliance woe for a good long while.
  26. Lola February 7, 2025 at 5:30 pm #
    Top loaders all the way! More reliable and do a much better job!
  27. Kristin February 7, 2025 at 9:29 pm #
    Speed queen. I promise it’s worth it. It’s not bells and whistles but it is mechanical vs electrical parts (well some of them, make sure you get the ones with turn dials not buttons). They last far longer. The cycles are short but powerful. I’ll never buy any other brand
  28. MJ February 7, 2025 at 10:02 pm #
    We have LG front loaders, bought at NFM 15 years ago. They work like they did the day we bought them. Only had to replace the rubber seal on the washer a few years ago because it got a hole in it and it was dripping water on the floor. We use a door prop to keep the door open and never had an issue with it smelling. Highly recommend LG appliances!
  29. bia2ahang February 8, 2025 at 4:52 pm #
    We use the LG brand and it is really quiet and has a gearbox and I recommend it
  30. Becky February 9, 2025 at 9:52 pm #
    The same thing just happened to us!! Went with an LG (top loader!) and love it. Definitely feels fancier and new, but no issues.

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