
Why is no one questioning who all these bridesmaids are in Father of the Bride? Like, who actually are they? And the groomsmen! So many! Who are these people again?
Because remember, earlier in the movie when they’re all sitting around the patio table eating dinner and discussing the word “pit on a wedding invitation, George,” Annie clearly says the wedding wouldn’t be that big because, “we don’t have that many friends hahaha.” Remember?! She says those words. Not many friends. And then the entire movie goes by and the only indication of a friend we see is when she’s on the phone with someone the night before the wedding and she’s all, “I know, it looks so strange in here, everything’s packed up, yada yada…” That would be ONE friend, Annie.
And then, at the wedding there are like, 500 bridesmaids and groomsmen. I’m sorry WHO are these people and where have they been the entire movie? These are your best friends, Annie and Bryan, and we know zilch about them.
And then remember the scene during the reception when she’s showing off her ring to her bridesmaids? As if it’s the first time they’ve seen the ring? Well wait a minute, how have they not seen this ring by now? We know nothing about these people, Nancy Meyers!
I’m perfectly fine this morning, why do you ask?

Did you guys see that the rescue of Baby Jessica in the Well was THIRTY SEVEN YEARS ago two days ago?? No, I cannot stop talking about this. I have been obsessed with Baby Jessica in the Well for 37 entire years. We lived in Hobbs, New Mexico at that point, you see. Which is an hour and 15 minutes away from Midland, Texas where it all happened. We glued our bods to that thick TV screen in 1987 and watched that story like our very own lives were at stake. And I remember the Readers Digest had this little map of the well and how the rescuers dug another one parallel to hers, over to her and under her and freaking got her out. I still can’t believe it. GOT HER OUT.
37 years ago!
That’s it.

I’ve decided I do not care of the word bequeathed.

Okay, movie question for you:
You know how I recently watched Practical Magic and Dead Poets Society. Each for the FIRST TIME. Gasp, clutch your pearls, barbarically yawp, do whatever you need to do. (both movies were unimaginably perfect.)
You know this is my journey, right? Going back and watching movies I somehow missed back during that time in my life. Same with books. I’m reading some old Nicholas Sparks, and just started The Secret Life of Bees (yes, I’ll watch the movie right after!) yesterday. I still plan to watch Autumn in New York (never seen it!), but I need you to help me add to the list. Someone suggested Mona Lisa Smile. Good idea, I’m on it.
What else?! Help me add to the “You Cannot Tell Me You’ve Never Seen This Movie” list. And I’ve seen a lot of movies. But embarrassingly, there are a handful that fell through the cracks one way or another. Give me suggestions!

Weekend plans? The kids are out of school (yet again) today, so we’re tackling Nat’s Halloween costume (Will’s is complete and so perfect.) and getting that off my list before I lose it. We’re back at a bunch of soccer this weekend, plus a sleepover, plus a Chiefs game, plus 74-degree weather. ‘Tis the good things. (we severely need rain, though.)
From this week! We’re having Udon Noodles with Mushrooms and a spicy drizzle. It’s seriously too good. I dare you to try it. Here’s the how-to vid.
Okay, starting my movie (and book, if you feel it) list! I’m ready.
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