Frrrrrrrrrrrrr uh duh flu tu su um.

I’ve never seen Practical Magic.
Truth! Never seen it. And probably just ruined your entire morning now that you know this.
This is the thing – my IG algorithm is heavy heavy on the vintage fall glimpses right now. New York City, tiny New England towns, backed by Vince Guaraldi and all bathed in moody golden tones and dripping with nostalgia. Lots of Gilmore Girls, When Harry Met Sally, Dead Poets Society (also never seen) and . . . a lot of Practical Magic. And I’m like, “Okay, Instagram, if you seem to know me soooo well, maybe I should give this thing a go. I mean, it’s Nicole and Sandra. What’s not to love!” (and Stevie is all over the soundtrack. double win.)
Am I completely insane for never having seen this movie? Is this my year? Are things finally turning around for me?
I’ll wait for October! We’ll do a Nicholas Sparks read and then watch Practical Magic! Neither has anything to do with each other, correct. I just get excited about things.
Are you in or is your jaw still in your lap?

We need to talk about top sheets. And how you work a top sheet. Because listen, when my bestie Laura makes her bed, she puts the top sheet upside down. Like, she flips it. So that when you make the bed and pull back the duvet, the printed side of the sheet shows. Lit-rally had never thought of this until we visited them in Colorado this summer and I had a brief moment when I thought she was slipping into alzheimer’s. But hey, that makes sense!
She said her mom made beds that way, and her grandmother made beds that way, therefore she shalleth maketh beds that wayeth.
So my poll is, do you put the top sheet where the printed side faces down? Or up? Or are you still hung on the fact that I casually slipped in how I’d also never seen Dead Poets Society up there and never came back to it.

We’ll add it to our October watch list! Practical Magic, Dead Poets Society, what else? Maybe a Gilmore Girl episode or 8. (I’ve seen all of those. Don’t panic.)

Labor Day weekend plans?
We’re headed to Fayetteville after school! Haven’t been down to visit since last Thanksgiving, so this will be extra special. I have a French Market breakfast this morning with a friend, then off to an estate sale right after. And it’s RAINING so my mood is extra obnoxiously stellar today.
From this week! Two recipes: One Pan Chicken Pasta with Corn and Tomatoes. The very last of summer, but also rich and perfect for the transition weeks. And the video. Also we have Homemade Ricotta! I BEG you to make this. I had some questions in the post that still have yet to be answered, so scoot-a-loot! Le video for ya.
Tell me what you have planned for this weekend and if you’ll ever recover from knowing I’ve not seen Practical Magic.
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