Friday Flotsam

Frrrrrrrrrrrrr uh duh flu tu su um.

I’ve never seen Practical Magic.

Truth! Never seen it. And probably just ruined your entire morning now that you know this.

This is the thing – my IG algorithm is heavy heavy on the vintage fall glimpses right now. New York City, tiny New England towns, backed by Vince Guaraldi and all bathed in moody golden tones and dripping with nostalgia. Lots of Gilmore Girls, When Harry Met Sally, Dead Poets Society (also never seen) and . . . a lot of Practical Magic. And I’m like, “Okay, Instagram, if you seem to know me soooo well, maybe I should give this thing a go. I mean, it’s Nicole and Sandra. What’s not to love!” (and Stevie is all over the soundtrack. double win.)

Am I completely insane for never having seen this movie? Is this my year? Are things finally turning around for me?

I’ll wait for October! We’ll do a Nicholas Sparks read and then watch Practical Magic! Neither has anything to do with each other, correct. I just get excited about things.

Are you in or is your jaw still in your lap?


We need to talk about top sheets. And how you work a top sheet. Because listen, when my bestie Laura makes her bed, she puts the top sheet upside down. Like, she flips it. So that when you make the bed and pull back the duvet, the printed side of the sheet shows. Lit-rally had never thought of this until we visited them in Colorado this summer and I had a brief moment when I thought she was slipping into alzheimer’s. But hey, that makes sense!

She said her mom made beds that way, and her grandmother made beds that way, therefore she shalleth maketh beds that wayeth.

So my poll is, do you put the top sheet where the printed side faces down? Or up? Or are you still hung on the fact that I casually slipped in how I’d also never seen Dead Poets Society up there and never came back to it.

We’ll add it to our October watch list! Practical Magic, Dead Poets Society, what else? Maybe a Gilmore Girl episode or 8. (I’ve seen all of those. Don’t panic.)

Labor Day weekend plans?

We’re headed to Fayetteville after school! Haven’t been down to visit since last Thanksgiving, so this will be extra special. I have a French Market breakfast this morning with a friend, then off to an estate sale right after. And it’s RAINING so my mood is extra obnoxiously stellar today.

From this week! Two recipes: One Pan Chicken Pasta with Corn and Tomatoes. The very last of summer, but also rich and perfect for the transition weeks. And the video. Also we have Homemade Ricotta! I BEG you to make this. I had some questions in the post that still have yet to be answered, so scoot-a-loot! Le video for ya.

Tell me what you have planned for this weekend and if you’ll ever recover from knowing I’ve not seen Practical Magic.

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17 Responses to Friday Flotsam

  1. Rebekah S August 30, 2024 at 6:43 am #
    Top sheet always upside down. It’s how my mother did it, my grandmother, etc… If it makes you feel better, I haven’t seen either of those movies, so you're not alone. .
  2. Sarah August 30, 2024 at 6:45 am #
    Top sheet should face down! Then you can fold it over cutely over your bedspread/duvet and when you open your bed you only see the patterns. My mom taught me this as well xox
  3. Kristin August 30, 2024 at 7:01 am #
    Top sheet facing down is what my mom taught me. Now I'm waiting for all of the "What? People still use top sheets? Just use a duvet and no top sheet!" Do these people unstuff, wash, and restuff their duvets every week? And they clearly do not live where it's hot, or they are using too much $$ and energy to keep their houses cool. Can't answer your ricotta questions, but I hate super dry ricotta, so yours looks delightful. Finally watched Practical Magic this year. Kind of want to say that I hated it, but will not go that far and will stick with "I was underwhelmed and have no clue what the all of the hype is about." And I LOVE Sandra Bullock. Ohhhh, Dead Poets is soooooo good. But you will cry.
  4. Becca August 30, 2024 at 7:05 am #
    I’m the monster that doesn’t use a top sheet. Just a fitted sheet, duvet & quilt folded neatly at the foot.
  5. Ann August 30, 2024 at 7:41 am #
    Top sheet face down! My mom taught me this way, but it’s also how sheets are always shown in catalogs. Even for solid color sheets it’s nice to do this so the seam side of the edge is hidden when you fold the top sheet over the duvet.
  6. Betsy August 30, 2024 at 7:54 am #
    Top sheet NEEDS to be face down.. my momma taught me and her momma her. 🫶🏼
  7. Jenn P August 30, 2024 at 8:00 am #
    Top sheet always faces down. ALWAYS. And HOW DARE YOU - Practical Magic is directly up your alley. The books are also great - love Alice Hoffman. And Dead Poets Society - SO MANY BABY STARS!!!! Matt Damon, Ben Affleck (are we out on him right now re:J Lo?), Josh Charles, Brendan Fraiser, Robert Sean Leonard.... it just goes on. I was thinking about this movie the other day - I think I'll watch it tonight.
  8. Christy August 30, 2024 at 8:18 am #
    You’re such a doll! I’ve never seen Practical Magic either! I’ve done the top sheet both ways.These days I’m just happy when I make my bed. Have a great long weekend!
  9. Marnie August 30, 2024 at 8:53 am #
    Top sheet down. My mom always said that way you see the pretties.
  10. Tish August 30, 2024 at 11:08 am #
    I audibly gasped when reading both those confessions.
  11. Sharon August 30, 2024 at 1:50 pm #
    Practical Magic is a must see! You will fall in love with the house too.
  12. tillie convery August 30, 2024 at 5:52 pm #
    I do print side down top sheet. Not just so that it folds down and looks pretty but also because it feels better on my skin
  13. Allyson August 30, 2024 at 7:49 pm #
    Oh, Beverly! You have not seen Practical Magic?! Girl! Get!👏🏻It!👏🏻Done!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 and then tell us what you think. It is part of my Fall, Halloween watch list.
  14. Betsy August 30, 2024 at 9:35 pm #
    I’m the odd one out here…top sheet face up! O do not fold over, blankets just go all the way up. Although when my husband makes beds he does face down—he was taught that way. I always look for the tag, the tag neeeeeeeds to be down. Also, never seen the movies.
  15. Kim August 31, 2024 at 3:37 pm #
    Top sheet faces down; so sayeth Grandma and Mama, so that’s how it is forever and ever, Amen. Practical Magic the movie is nice. But the book is better.
  16. Eva Green September 10, 2024 at 7:24 am #
    Wow! I appreciate your blogging vibes! Thanks a lot for this post!
  17. Kari Wall March 16, 2025 at 10:31 pm #
    I am the monstrous creature that sleeps without a cover. With only a fitted sheet, duvet, and quilt tucked away at the foot of the bed.

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