Friday Flotsam

FRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR i d a a a e e e e e e e e a a a a ha ahh h h ahaha hah .

We have to talk about tinted chapsticks. This is what I need in a severe way.

I have a lot of Burts Bees, and you know I love these shimmer apricot balms. But I’d love some variation in different shades of coral and pinks because a girl’s gotta have a stash, man.

And these are less chapstick and a more Virginia Slims.

I’ve been super curious about REL (because I adore Arielle) but I need true, real-life reviews before I drop $16 on chapstick. Sorry, lip balm. Because I need a chapstick vibe where I can apply apply apply withOUT a mirror and trust I don’t end up looking like I just ate a live chinchilla.

What are you completely obsessed with these days? I’ll add to cart if you say so. Shoot, I just ordered these turmeric pads for my birthday and I’m already laughing. The packaging feels so 1990s Clean and Clear and I’m all about it. (sort of)

Give me your favorite tinted lip balm chapstick Virginia Slims.

Please! I’m not being bossy.

Okay, also – I bought castor oil this week and I need to know what to do with it. It’s sticky! I had no idea it was that sticky! Why is it sticky? SHOULD it be sticky? Am I changing the oil? On my face?

I’ve seen a ton of videos on IG about the magic of castor oil, yet I never know if I’ve been suckered into something or not. (see turmeric pads above.)

I know it’s like, ancient. So that has to stand for something, right? Dab it on your under eyes with fresh cucumber? On it. Mix it with frankincense and apply to neck? Beat you there. Swab your betty button with it? Ew but as you freaking wish.

Tell me EVERYTHING about castor oil. Listen, I’m 48 a week from today so these things shan’t be ignored.

Started The God of the Woods last night. Just how much am I going to completely die over this book?

Weekend plans?

Nat has her very first competitive soccer tournament this weekend! Hello, tonight’s game starts – STARTS at 9:15. AT NIGHT. How dare they. Also I’m excited. Pool party tomorrow, followed by another soccer game. More soccer (potentially two games) on Sunday. Soccersoccersoccer. I’m in.

From this week: Tomato Butter! Did you see that? You need to whip some up this weekend. Here’s that video, too.

Tinted chapsticks and castor oil – heeeeeeyelp meh!


9 Responses to Friday Flotsam

  1. Caitlin August 16, 2024 at 9:04 am #
    No idea about castor oil (except maybe it can start labor and also send people running for the loo) but have you tried the “fresh” brand lip balms? They’re called Sugar lip treatment and come in the metal tube. Love them.
  2. Mara Hayes August 16, 2024 at 12:59 pm #
    Supposedly caster oil helps with the appearance of scars and stretch marks, so I’ve read, if you apply daily. I remember my mom consuming a tablespoon of caster oil back in the day for digestion. My teenage daughter informed me that it is suppose to help your eyelashes grow and you can buy little applicators on Amazon to brush on your eyelids. Her lashes are amazing. She also turned me on to Summer Fridays Butter Balm. Last a long time for the price. Different shades to pick from.
  3. Mara Hayes August 16, 2024 at 1:00 pm #
    Supposedly caster oil helps with the appearance of scars and stretch marks, so I’ve read, if you apply daily. My teenage daughter informed me that it is suppose to help your eyelashes grow and you can buy little applicators on Amazon to brush on your eyelids. Her lashes are amazing. She also turned me on to Summer Fridays Butter Balm. Last a long time for the price. Different shades to pick from.
  4. shannon August 16, 2024 at 1:06 pm #
    I've heard of castor oil being good for hair growth- eyelashes and brows! I really need to start using it. I am intrigued with the turmeric pads. It's so hard to find a good tinted Chapstick that does not turn your lips pink- REL looks perfect but is pricy!
  5. Sarah August 16, 2024 at 3:22 pm #
    I am obsessed with the NYX Fat Oil product. Not really a chapstick, per se, but it's really moisturizing, looks great, and can be applied without looking. I also love the Pantene castor oil shampoo, so maybe they're early to the revive-castor-oil trend?
  6. Cindy August 16, 2024 at 8:43 pm #
    I recently bought some Revlon lash and brow enhancer that had castor oil in it. It was too little for the cost, so I *just* bought some plain castor oil off Amazon. I went to Sephora and got some of their eyelash spoolies and plan to slather up my brows and lashes and pray for help. Everything else on this 45-year old body is thickening except my hair. 😂
  7. Jennifer August 17, 2024 at 3:24 pm #
    You will die so much over The God of the Woods. I started it the day before I had to drop my kid off at camp--and I just went ahead and finished it the same day. So good. I went on to read Long Bright River and The Unseen World, but The God of the Woods was definitely my favorite of the three.
  8. Amy August 18, 2024 at 1:32 pm #
    Check out I've found this to be a great resource and help with castor oil. We use in our family to help detox liver but it can certainly be used for other things as well. Also, my most favorite tinted lip gloss is Farmhouse Fresh.
  9. Becky August 19, 2024 at 2:22 pm #
    I just got done with God of the Woods and loved it! A lot of characters to keep track of but so good.

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