Friday Flotsam


I forgot about popping my fingers!

I realized last night on the couch while I was reading that I think I completely forgot about finger popping. I had a weird urge to pop my fingers and show Will about said finger popping and I was like, “Wait, when was the last time I did this?!” I was a massive finger popper growing up, and everyone was like, “You’ll get arthritis by the time you’re 18 and your fingers will shrivel up like an evil witch in a cartoon and your knuckles will be the size of Montana!”

But of course I never stopped popping. I love popping my fingers.

But I think I forgot all about it until last night! Maybe, perhaps just maybe, I pop them and I don’t even realize? I’d never betray my knuckles on purpose, I’ll tell you that much.

Were you a finger popper? Do you still pop to this day? Do your fingers look like you should be holding an apple in front of a doe-eyed Salon Selectives princess?

Me either, HA.

(. . .yet.)

You know what always makes me laugh?

Think about this: Mary Poppins arrives at the Banks’ home. She brilliantly perplexes Mr. Banks right off the bat. She lands the job on her terms. She rides up the bannister on her butt. She meets the children. She surveys the nursery and her living quarters, “Well it’s not Buckingham Palace. . . still it’s clean.”

And THEN, she puts on an apron to “tidy up” the nursery. When all she does is snap at this and snap at that, hold a bird on her index fingy, sing a little diddy and it’s all magically done. Fantastic.

Okay but why the apron? Girl, all you did was snap. If all I had to do was snap snap snap in each room every day, I think I’d forgo the apron. Let the apron be, Mary.

I think even Jane and Michael were confused about the apron. They just stared at her the entire time like what is this homegirl UP to. I get it, kids. The apron is confusing.

I need friends.

Okay, I’m on a lip liner journey and we need to discuss.

I’m sure you guys follow Emily Schuman. Well, she had a simple make-up reel the other day and she was using lip liner and I was like HOLD UP. I need to get on this lip liner wagon.


I bought some yesterday and my friend Mindy came over to see and she goes, “You look insane.”

SAFASDFAHAHAHAHAH. Not what I expected. I think I’m doing it wrong! Tell me, does the liner go OUTSIDE of the lip (I’m kidding. maybe.) or does it go ON the lip? (still sort of kidding but absolutely not.) Thing is, I bought a liner to match my lipgloss. Is that part wrong?? Mindy thinks it needs to match my natural lip color. But I have very little color in my lips so I feel like that would look sickly. Emily says to over line the top lip just a tad, but I tried it and I looked like a Snapchat filter meets a drunk Lucille Ball.

Tell me, oh lip liner gurus, what is the proper to line ze lips?

Be gentle.

My momosphere did a poll in our group text the other day, so I’m bringing it here to gather more input. You’re our focus group. Ready?

Name your favorite shampoo and conditioner DUO.

(Do you buy the same brand for both shampoo and condish? We need to know what’s working for you. And how often do you change it up? I know this is a lot. Sorry and thank you.)

Weekend plans?

It’s beautifully low-key over here! Snow today. A fire and meatball subs tonight. Finishing Before We Were Innocent. (like, WHERE IS WILLA?) Catching up on some winter home maintenance before the full shift to spring happens. Girl Scout cookie booth, Sunday evening soccer game and a sleepover on Sunday night because our kids are never ever EVER in school. Le sigh.

From this week! Creamy Cajun Sausage with Linguine. Completely delicious and ludicrously simple. Make it this weekend, you won’t regret it. And the video! (I had a post for yesterday, but after Wednesday’s shooting, I didn’t feel like it. Needed a good day to process and reset.)

Okay: lip liner and haircare! SPILLETH.

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10 Responses to Friday Flotsam

  1. Jenn P February 16, 2024 at 9:37 am #
    If you don't match your lip liner to your lips, you should fill your whole lip in with the liner. If you over line your lips, start small otherwise aforementioned Lucille Ball. If you match to your lips, the overlining is a little easier. Charlotte Tilbury PillowTalk is a good pinky rose starter lip liner. Primarily Pureology Hydrate Sheer, both the shampoo and conditioner. I also swap in Amika Soulfood mask every 2 or 3 washes depending on what my hair feels like - also it smells incredible. My hair is bleached and overdyed in bright purple, so I'm careful with it and make sure it get LOTS of hydration.
  2. Nan February 16, 2024 at 10:49 am #
    I bulk-order Sante shampoo and conditioner from Germany: never found a U.S. brand that does this but it’s so nonirritating that my hair never gets greasy and I always forget when I last washed it. I made my friend try it and it had the opposite effect on her hair, who knows why….
  3. Mandy February 16, 2024 at 12:05 pm #
    And I wanted to see a picture of you with your lipliner !!!
    • Nicole February 16, 2024 at 6:36 pm #
      I also was expecting a picture LOL
  4. Laura Lee February 16, 2024 at 2:15 pm #
    If I were to line my lip would match it to the lipstick as close as possible and stay right on the edges because anything outside the natural line looks clownish to me, but I can't be arsed with that nonsense anymore😆! I use Ethique kiwi shampoo bar and don't condition because it makes my hair weird. It's the only shampoo that has calmed my drama queen scalp. Plus- no plastic! That's a win for the environment!
  5. Becky February 16, 2024 at 2:21 pm #
    Same brand shampoo and conditioner always. I started using Ouai after my usual Aveda stopped working for me and I LOVE it!
  6. Nicole February 16, 2024 at 6:37 pm #
    Pureology - the purple bottles! Amazing!
  7. Nicole February 16, 2024 at 6:53 pm #
    Virtue Lab Hair! Take the quiz, results for sure. Not a lip liner but fun to try..Wonderskin Wonder Blading Lip Stain Peel Off Masque - Long Lasting, Waterproof and Transfer Proof. You can get it from Amazon as well.
  8. Dani February 17, 2024 at 10:49 am #
    Pick a lipliner to closely match lip color. That way when lipgloss or lipstick wears off you don’t have an obvious line.
  9. Level Devil February 19, 2025 at 12:52 am #
    I also wanted to see a picture of you wearing lipliner when you were younger!!!

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