Tag Archives | swiss chard

What’s All That Pink Stuff?


It happens every year about this time. We have a few 70-degree days and the gun is jumped. Tank tops are re-introduced to pale skin, chaco sandals are thrown on, the pony-tail is back in action. And then it’s over. Just like that. The temperature drops and all hopes and dreams of a new life […]

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Rigatoni With Greens and Sausage


We’ve officially entered the winter season. Goods news is the shortest day of the year is now behind us! I get so excited because as soon as January 1st hits, I have this mental shift and start putting pen to paper to map out the Weidner Garden. What can I say? I’m an enthusiastic planner. […]

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I Love the Word “Chard”


Well hello November. You’re crisp, overcast and breezy. Now if you want to stay just like this until March, we’ll be cool, okay? No? Not a chance at all? What if we ask my good friend Andrew Jackson? Still no? Okay the laughing hurts. Baked Chicken Sausage with Cannellini Beans and Swiss Chard: What it […]

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