Tag Archives | sriracha

Sriracha Hot Toddy with Honey and Lemon

Sriracha Hot Toddy

Ooooooookay. I think I’m about halfway caught up with Parenthood, and it’s official. I want them to adopt me. I don’t even care which family. All of them. Joint custody. Except, as much as I want to stick Crosby in my bra, when he smiles, duuuude it’s intense! How many teeth does that guy have? […]

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Sriracha Chicken Pozole

sriracha pozole

I have a few questions for you today. This is some serious stuff too. So sit down. You’re actually probably already sitting down, I realize, unless you’re in line at the DMV reading this on your phone, which in that case, ew. But if you’re in line at the post office with a bunch of […]

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