The Great Weidner Baby Nursery Reveal


It’s done! Allllll done! Now we just need two babies to stick in here. But not for another 5 or 6 six weeks. Hear that, babies? Keep baking. Or broiling? Whatever’s going on during these last few weeks. Of course I have the most obnoxious amount of photos for ONE TINY ROOM. But I can’t […]

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Simple Beef Street Tacos


Takin’ it to the streets! I . . . don’t know what that means. BUT, after finding out I passed my (SECOND stab-o-tron) glucose test, and passing another test that shows I don’t need to be on bed rest (at least at this point), aaaand watching my dawg frolic and play like a normal little […]

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Bacon-Wrapped Stuffing Bites


Gah! Sorry I’ve been so MIA. Between my own doctor, the vet and outside deadlines before le bebes arrives, it’s straight up whack-a-doodleville over here. But I’m showing you bacon today, so that makes up for it, right? . . . R  . . . right? But first, the deal with my dog: Charlie girl. […]

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Poutine Pizza {Tablespoon Tuesdays}

poutine pizza

Oh as if you didn’t see this coming. Sure, anyone can poutine some hotdogs. That’s easy. But have you ever thought of poutining a pizza pie? Because thiiiiis is a whole new ballgame. Actually not really. Anyone can do this too, so just ignore me. But don’t! It’s an absurd monstrosity, yes. Pizza dough, french […]

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Sausage and Kale Pasta Bake


Ohgoodgrief. Remember that movie What Lies Beneath with Michelle Pfeiffer and Harrison Ford? This casserole totally reminds me of that. Not in a psycho-thriller-murdery-ghost sort of way, but just when I look at that photo. What liiiiiies beneath all of that cheese? Let me tell you, bunnies. (is it okay if I call you bunny?) […]

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Thoughts on This Whole Being Knocked Up Business: Edition 4


28.4 weeks in, muthuuuuuz. MAN is this a total trip. An uncomfortable, gassy, heifer heavy, ribcage rampage, urination station of a trip. But first, could we talk about how J.C. Penny my expression is in this photo? I don’t usually look so wide-eyed, GOLLY-GOSH-IT’S-SUCH-A-SWELL-DAY, MATEY. Or maybe I do. Maybe it’s the new me? THE […]

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Chipotle Black Bean Burgers


Meatless Monday! By total accident. Before we begin, I’d like to point out my jankidy jank pregnant woman avocado slices. Rugged, jagged, burning rebels in their own form. I didn’t even care to make them pretty. But you know what? My feet and legs and back and pancreas hurts, so we get James Dean avocado […]

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Chipotle Chicken Chili + a Pioneer Woman Cookbook Giveaway!

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(This giveaway is now closed. The answer to the question though? Friends!) Guess what rhymes with Ree? CHEELEE. Okay not so much. But guess what yesterday was? The release of Ree’s new Holidaaaay coooookboooooook! (said like Oprah) I’ve already licked every page. Thrice. Obviously the book is completely fabulous, filled with crystal clear step-by-step instructions, […]

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