Archive | Chicken

Pantry Chicken and Beans


Okay, so I just finished reading this book. It’s fiction, but one of the main characters is a chef, so any time she references food, the recipe is supplied at the end of each chapter. Pretty pimp, eh? The book itself is gosh darned good, if you’re into giggling like a school girl, weeping like […]

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Chicken Diablo


Um, excuse me but, who is this. . .Diablo? Does he have a mustache? Does he ride a motorbike? Does he have pointy little horns sticking out of his head and a long spiky tail snaking out of his expensive Spanish linen pants? Did you know that “diablo” means DEMON? I found this out today. […]

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Classic Chicken Caesar Salad


Have you ever made caesar dressing from scratch? Yep, I’m talking anchovies, a raw egg yolk, the whole bit. Have you? NO? REALLY? uhmugush. Things are going to be different for you from now on. You are going to learn this recipe and a new way to cherish life will unfold before you. As in, […]

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They Call Me The Guest Poster Child


O. M. G. Guess freaking what? I’m guest posting. Guess freaking when? TODAY. LIKE, RIGHT NOW. Guess freaking how? I dunno, man. She just asked me to and I freaked my face. Guess freaking why? Because she’s my new best friend and I just finished making us friendship bracelets. Guess freaking where?  EAT. LIVE. RUN. […]

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Skinny Chicken Nuggets, And MORE.


1) Just admit it. You like chicken nuggets. You dooooo. You like them because they’re bite-sized. You like the crunch it provides your mouth hole. You like the word NUGGET. NUGGET. I like it too. Well, guess what I’ve gone and diddly darn did done with ’em? I allowed them their first cup of coffee. […]

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Buffalo Chicken Nachos


All kinds of lessons were learned yesterday here in the Weidner household. Some I’ll happily share with you and some I won’t, because I don’t think the words “toilet” and “shower robe belt” leave the most pleasant mental images on a food blog. Oopsie. I still typed that out, didn’t I? The first lesson I […]

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Butter Chicken


Butter Chicken. Say it out loud with me. Butter Chicken. Didn’t your mouth feel so happy just now? You can’t say “butter chicken” without the rumble of a school-girl squeal in your belly followed by the eruption out of your face. This was the first time I’ve ever made butter chicken. And it all started […]

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Creamy Orzo with Browned Chicken


Two things occurred to me yesterday. 1) It’s been a while since I’ve consumed heavy cream. That’s embarrassing. And 2) Oh, hi, little cherry tomatoes that I sort of forgot about in the back of the fridge that are about to grow arms, legs and a backpack and hitch hike out of our house and […]

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Indian-Spiced Braised Chicken


I remember it like it was yesterday. But it was many, MANY moons ago when bestie Laura surprised me with a subscription to the super cute pocket-sized Martha Stewart magazine, Everyday Food. I remember the day the first issue arrived in the mail. I jumped around in our basement apartment living room for exactly 15 […]

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