Friday Flotsam

FFFFFFFFFFFra la la la laaaa la la la DAY. (<–did that even work?)

I like a good gift guide.

It’s not even the gifts that I’m so drawn to. It’s the collection. It’s the pretty arrangement of products on white backgrounds with a sophisticated font luring me in. I might only notice 5% of the actual items in the collection. Most gift guides are full of crap, we know this. But it’s the placement of this little thingy next to that pretty doodad next to that cute dealy. I’m such a sucker for it!

I never get to put together gift guides.

Let me rephrase that. I never make the time to put together a gift guide. Should I try that next year? I mean, it would be like three things total because I get overwhelmed.

You know what, I’m going to make one now! Right in here. But instead of a gift guide I’m just going to tell you a few things I love that might make a good solid gift. Which is the exact opposite of what draws me to a gift guide, like I JUST SAID, ugh. Just love me.

A Kinto travel tumbler. I’ve had mine (in white) a few months, and everywhere I take it, people are like, “ooooo what is this and how can I make my life about it?” It keeps ish hot and cold, man. And it looks pimp.

This is already the worst-ever way to do a gift guide.

Have you ever been to an Italian restaurant, and had a mini panic attack the moment the server comes around with the block of parmesan cheese and asks if you’d like parmesan because obviously the answer is YUZ but there’s not enough time in this dinner for him/her to grate the amount of parmesan that you so desire?

He starts to grate, and there’s that silence at the table and in the bottom of your stomach as you try to figure out the appropriate amount of time to let him keep grating before things get awkward. Everyone starts to look at you like, “Okay already. Let the man go.” But it’s not enough parmesan! Because the second you twirl your fork into the top layer of the parm, it falls into the noodle abyss and melts, and you clearly need more. And you’re almost like, “You know what, just leave that eight pound block here with me, I got it.” But you can’t because you’re a human and that’s weird. So you say with a half smile and a lone tear, “Thank you…” meaning to him, “You’re set free now.” But you never want it to stop! It’ll never be enough parmesan!

These are the things that haunt me.

Oh! Another gift idea!

Everlane sweaters. Just scroll down through that entire page and sob your face off. They have tons of cuts, tons of cashmere, tons of cotton, tons of pretty muted tones, and it’s all soooo soft. I have this one, and it’s life giving.

POLL:::::::::: Should I start a Goodreads account? I’m thinking that might make my Imaginary Book Club easier next year for all those who follow along. It feels like the next logical bookworm slimy step.

If I start one, can I list all the books I read this year? I have no idea how it works! But I’m (sort of) an adult, so I’ll figure it out today. This weekend. By January 1st. I think. (UPDATE! I already had an account and am a total ding dong and had no idea. Come find me! I’ll be adding all of my books to the account later today over a glass of white.)

Does one need an invitation to join? GUYS I DO NOT KNOW.

(help me.)

Oh – did you finish the Winter Street series?! All my recaps are saved to IG highlights, if you’ve not seen those yet. Ugh, I’ll miss the Quinns forever.

Oh! Another gift idea!

Forest Floor candle by Tatine. OMG. I burn a lot of candles ‘roun her, and this one was by far the favorite. All their products are dark and sleek with a slight masculine touch, but when you place it in a home with mostly whites and pale creamy tones, that contrast is just superb. I do realize I’m not even talking about the scent.

The scent! It’s EARTHY. It ain’t called Forest Floor for nuthin’. Mossy, dirt-y, rainy, it’s absolute heaven. But I also used to a have an actual body lotion called Dirt, so there’s that.

Yesterday I started the daunting yearly task of going through every drawer, every basket, every bucket, every sloppy square inch space of both kids’ caves and donating 759% of things and throwing away the other 524%. And oooooooomahgah I can breathe in there now!

Well, I can breathe in Will’s room. I’m only halfway through Nat’s room and it’s going to eat my entire da –

Oh! Another gift idea! (you’re like, “please let it not have to do with dirt.”)

A White Sonora Bell by Katherine Moes. And she’s KC local! I have this exact bell in our bedroom and it’s just the loveliest accent to a big white wall. It’s purely decorative, but also calming. I’m obsessed.

And that’s it for your super lame gift guide! šŸ™ NEXT YEAR, guys, I’ll get my dang act together and organize something semi-cute.


Probably not.

Weekend plans?

It’s going to snoooooooooow on Sunday! And apparently quite a bit. I’m afraid to type out the actual predicted inch amounts because if I do it will all vanish and everyone will hate me.

Oh hey, if you’ve seen any spectacular gift guides, link them out so I can swoon over the pretty collection of things I’ll never buy.

(p.s. Have you started Royal Holiday yet? Should we squeeze in We Met In December, too?? Can we do it?! SHOULD WE DO IT? I can chill.)

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11 Responses to Friday Flotsam

  1. Tracy December 13, 2019 at 8:44 am #
    Goodreads: Yes! Go in and put all the books you read this year. Then you'll have a record of them. I see we're friends now :)
    • Sheila Kappus December 13, 2019 at 10:34 am #
      I've put the White Sonora Bell on my list already!
    • Bev Weidner December 13, 2019 at 11:06 am #
      Done and done!!
  2. Nancy December 13, 2019 at 9:45 am #
    Didn't you do a gift guide last year or the year before? Seems like you did.....I love the bell. So pretty! I love candles, too, but there is no way I am paying $40 for one! You outta my league with that one :) I still love you and hope you will do a full on gift guide next year. Happy Friday!
    • Bev Weidner December 13, 2019 at 9:55 am #
      I did one a few years back, yes! It's definitely been a good while though. And I TOTALLY get it with the price. That's why it's in the gift category! :) Happy weekend to you!
  3. Heather December 13, 2019 at 10:27 am #
    Sent a friend request on Goodreads!
  4. Anonymous December 13, 2019 at 11:19 am #
    So happy you're continuing Bev Books for next year! What's better than eating and reading? :) Just throwing this out there - have you heard of Book of the Month yet? A lot of the books that you've read have been their picks! They choose 5 new books each month and then you get to pick the one (or more) you want to read. It's SO exciting to see the new picks each month and it's a really good price for brand new hardcover books. (Bonus, they're all the same size, so they're so aesthetically pleasing on a bookshelf!) Thought you might like it (and subscriptions are also a good gift idea, haha!) :)
  5. Sharon December 13, 2019 at 11:33 am #
    I signed up for a site called Book Bub and I get a lot of ideas from them as well as you can save the ones you think you will like on a wish list. This way I can go back and see what I was interested in reading.
  6. Shannon December 13, 2019 at 3:12 pm #
    You track your books and can make ā€œshelvesā€ of ā€œwant to readā€, ā€œreadā€ etc. itā€™s fun to see is many you red or remember. You can also review, or read reviews. Fun. They also have a challenge you can set a goal of number of books for the year...I wish I would have done it years ago. I donā€™t ā€œ friendā€ or follow anyone though...enough of that w FB or IG.
  7. Amanda December 14, 2019 at 12:39 pm #
    I thought this was the perfect gift guide! I love looking at other peopleā€™s too. Although when I look at some Iā€™m like.... okay yeah you and I are clearly in different tax brackets ?
  8. chinese women January 9, 2020 at 7:57 am #
    Great gift idea!

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