Seriously Hot Thai Seafood Salad

I often forget about putting seafood in a salad. It usually finds its way swirled into a creamy pasta, or swimming in a spicy soup, or even tucked into crisp tortillas with fresh tomato and creamy avocado. But a salad? A SALAD? HOW DARE THEE DOTH MAKE A SEAFOOD SALAD THEE.

Just kidding, a salad is actually a brilliant idea.

Nowadays you buy a bag of frozen mixed seafood, which is exactly what I had on hand for this. But if little tentacles and rings of squid make you light headed, just use whatever seafood you most fancy. Plump shrimp, succulent mussels, silky clams. Get crazy with it and “sea” what happens.

I really am sorry.

***have tissue paper and a jug of water on hand for this one. It’s HOT ***

Thai Seafood Salad:

What it takes for 4:

* 1 bag frozen mixed seafood, thawed and pat dry
* 1 head butter lettuce, cut into bite-sized pieces
* juice from 2 limes
* 4 Tbs. fish sauce
* 1 Tbs. brown sugar
* 1 small thai bird chile, minced (seeds removed for lesser heat, sissy)
* 2 cloves garlic, minced
* 1 shallot, thinly sliced
* 2 scallions, thinly sliced
* 1/4 cup cilantro, chopped
* 1/4 cup mint, chopped
* 1/2 cup cucumber, thinly sliced into half moons
* 1/ 2 cup cherry tomatoes, halved

For the dressing, combine the lime juice, fish sauce, sugar, chiles and garlic in a small bowl. Whisk to the sugar dissolves. Set aside, along with the shallots, scallions and herbs.

Heat a grill or saute pan over medium-high. Toss the seafood with a Tbs of extra-virgin olive oil and arrange on the grill in a single layer. Grill for 5 minutes, total.

Toss the grilled seafood with the lime dressing, and toss in the scallions, shallots and herbs. Add the tomatoes and cucumbers. Stir to combine.

Arrange on a bed of lettuce and you’re set.

Seriously, divine.

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3 Responses to Seriously Hot Thai Seafood Salad

  1. Jenny June 29, 2011 at 1:53 am #
    Hot after one small Thai bird chile??? That scares me...yes I'm a sissy. I could use red pepper flakes. Pretty colors.....salads are so bright.
    • Bev Weidner June 29, 2011 at 3:14 am #
      I KNOW. I actually had put in 2 Thai bird chiles, but after tasting the final result I tweaked it for the readers. I love spice, and I CAN HANDLE THE HEAT, but geebs. This was hot.
  2. Jenny June 30, 2011 at 3:59 pm #
    Have to admit I don't even know what Thai bird chiles are but now they scare me!!! I think I'd pass out. I can't handle the numbing affect on my lips, ruins the whole food experience for me. But everyone has their own limits.

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